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James Black
Image #1
To get started being an emperor, you must have a purple robe or toga. Only emperors wore the
color purple. It was very expensive to make purple dye and it came from crushing thousands of
sea shells. The color purple represented wealth and power of the Roman Emperors.
Image #2
Every Roman Emperor must have a large, strong, loyal army. This image shows a Roman army
and the tortoise formation. This formation was important to the Roman soldiers to protect them
in battle. It was formed by interlocking their shields to form a protective shell.
Image #3
Every Roman Emperor must host large, fancy feasts with lots of foods and wine for their guests.
Roman Emperors loved to show off by hosting feasts that had lots of unusual dishes like lion,
stuffed pigs, rabbits, birds and lots of wine.
Image #4
To be a Roman Emperor you have to be a little bit crazy. Roman Emperors did all kinds of crazy
things like killing family members, putting lions in people's beds, flinging snakes at the crowds,
and torturing Christians. This image is a good example. Emperor Caligula declared war on
Poseidon and ordered his army to whip the waves of the sea.

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