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Javier Gonzalez

Hotel Rwanda
The movie Hotel Rwanda directed by Terry George Paul was based on the true story of
the atrocious crimes committed against the Tutsi in Rwanda in the 1990s. The extreme Hutu
nationalists in the capital of Kigali murdered over 800,000 Tutsi minorities with extreme
brutality. The local official and government ordered neighbors to kill neighbors. In the
movie, Rusesabagina was a kind and exemplary man who represented the few who tried to help
those who were persecuted. Unfortunately, the international community largely remained on the
sidelines during the Rwandan genocide.

I believe that it was immoral how the world quietly disregarded this whole bloodshed.
The world at large should have sent troops to help these innocent victims. By the time the world
reacted; the genocide had been over for months. Many prominent international leaders have
lamented the inaction towards the genocides in Rwanda and have tried to rectify it by providing
assistance. The United Nations Assistance Mission For Rwanda (UNAMIR) operation was
brought to Rwanda to provide assistance to those in need. It remained in Rwanda until March
1996, as one of the largest humanitarian relief efforts in history. It is my hope that as individuals

and world organizations we have learned the lesson of what could happen when we live
oblivious to our neighbors situation.

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