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After the lesson is taught, while it is still fresh in everybody's minds, the team members hold a debriefing meeting

to discuss, reflect,
and analyze the lesson. The debriefing focuses on three core questions: In what ways did students accomplish the lesson goals?
How could the lesson be improved? What did we learn from this experience? During the debriefing participants offer their
observations, interpretations and comments on the lesson. The purpose is to analyze and evaluate the lesson thoroughly in terms of
student learning, thinking and engagement.
In what ways did students accomplish the
lesson goals? What is the evidence of this?

How could the lesson be improved?

What did we learn from this experience?

Based on your analysis, what structural
changes and/or revisions might you make in the
redesign lesson?

-The students understood the task that was

given The flow of the worksheet and what
they were looking for while reading.
-Many students had an understanding of what a
trait was because of the examples given during
the mini lesson (Students worksheets had
traits such as: mean, nice, curious, patient,
playful, etc.) However, many had a difficult time
putting a name to a trait they had in mind.

-A more concrete definition/clarification of

what a trait is Some students had a
difficult time putting their ideas into one
word (trait).
- The worksheet could have been cut up
into individual strips so students wont be
so overwhelmed with all the boxes. It
might help the students focus on their
reading rather than completing the

-In the redesign lesson, it may be helpful to have

a lesson on breaking down what a trait is
difference between physical trait and personality
-go over some character traits (besides nice,
mean, bad, and angry)
- Could have a vocabulary piece
-Idea of a trait: Character Change
-Fourth graders would look at chapter books and
write longer pieces.
-Other second grade would be taught the
different traits
-First grade class would use the birthday webs
they make for a student on their birthday to
discuss different traits. They would do this
lesson using pictures and words.
-Other second grade class would have to do two
lessons. First lesson: on character traits. Second
lesson: using books from their book baggies to
find out the traits of the characters in the book.
-students can work with partners or in groups.

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