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LaMeisha Scott

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Eng 1201 online
March on Washington
President, Barack Obama, gave a speech August 28, 2013 to commemorate the 50th year
anniversary of Martin Luther Kings original March on Washington. Martin Luther Kings march
originated from angry blacks being mistreated and marching for what they believed in. Part of
the constitutional rights that proclaimed that all men were equal and free wasnt held true. Most
people believe they marched for justice. They not only marched for justice they marched for
equality in jobs.
Blacks wanted to have equal opportunities as whites to develop decent paying jobs and
enter the middle class from poverty. This goal has become nonexistent in recent years because
the economy has changed. The rights that were given from this march are being taken for
granted. The advancement of technology and the increase in global competition decreased the
available jobs that paid enough to enter into the middle class. Because of this many of the blacks
became government dependent. They became discouraged.
The president notes that the only way we will see a change is if we all come together and
work as one. Even if we fumble a couple times, getting back up together wont be a challenge
and its the only way we will change history. The president notes that if we, the American people,
support fairer wages we will make this country a better place. The president notes that only
American people are the only people able to change the government. Nobody can do it for us!

Obama, Barack. "The Fiftieth Anniversary of the March on Washington." Lincoln

Memorial. 28 August 2013. Speech.

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