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14035 Southgate Dr. Sterling Heights, MI 48313

(586) 206-6081


Henry Ford II High School


Wayne State University

I am currently a student at Wayne University. I am pursuing a degree in Special Education.


Conductive Education Center of Metro Detroit Aid June 2015-Present

Worked with children with a ride range of both physical and mental disabilities.
This job requires the ability to work in a group setting in order to provide children
with the best possible care. Physical strength is necessarily to help transport
children with little mobility. Patients and strong communications skills are needed
in order to work with the children in this program.

Goss Chiropractic Clinics Chiropractic Clinic April 2012-August 2014
Assisted in patient care, preformed X-rays, recorded patient progress and scheduled
This job required strong communication skills with a wide variety of people as well
as balancing multiple patients to reduce wait time. Technical skills included using
multiple software programs for billing, scheduling and patients progress tracking.

Ability to work in a team setting, friendly demeanor, exceptional time management and
well developed writing ability.

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