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Anchor Video:
25 Pretest
Tennis Balls
6 Circuit packets
Ea. (5 Wires, battery, battery holder, 2 light bulb, 2 light bulb stand and small light)
25 worksheets
Conductors (metals, etc.)
Insulators (rubber bands,etc.)
25 worksheets
6 Circuit packets
Ea. (5 Wires, 2 batteries, light bulb, key, rubber band, 2 toilet paper rolls, 2 paper clips, tape, Dixie cup, and nickel)
25 Posttests
6 Circuit packets
Ea. (5 Wires, 2 batteries, light bulb, key, rubber band, 2 toilet paper rolls, 2 paper clips, tape, Dixie cup, and nickel)
PowerPoint for each day. Electromagnet handout, electric motor handout,
right hand rule handout and pre and posttests for each student.
Electromagnet packets (each with: battery with holder, switch, steel nail, pencil, several paper clips, compass,
2 feet of wire [insulated with exposed ends]), electric motor packets (each with: Dcell battery pack, AA battery,
3 feet of enamel coated wire, magnets, 2 Lengths of heavy wire [6 inches each], sandpaper)
and telegraph packets (Each with: battery, switch, long length of wire, 2 large nails (steel), 2 small nails, hammer,
wood block and a strip of metal) for each group of students (35 students per group)
Forms of Energy, Your Forms of Energy, Your Forms of Energy Questions, Law of Conservation of Energy,
Energy Efficiency, Magnets and Electricity, How Electricity is Generated,
Magnets and the Generation of Electricity, US Energy Consumption By Source, 2007,
How Fossil Fuels Were Formed and Renewable Energy Source handouts (1 for each student).
For Project: Access to Computers, visit from Principal and School Board Member for presentations

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