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eligion is a means of
communication between the
human beings and their Creator.
It is a guide, which shows the path
to the ultimate truth. Through
religion, amongst other things,
we find ways to live in peace and
harmony with each other. Islam is a
religion that reflects this and guides
us through all respects of life. The
prophet of Islam, Muhammad
(peace be upon him) was the
perfect example of how human
beings should lead their lives.
Imam Hussain (peace be upon
him), the voice of justice, the master
of perseverance and the symbol
of truth, the depth of personality
and character, was the grandson
of Muhammad (peace be upon
them). Amongst all his titles, he
was also known as one of the
masters of the youth of paradise.
We have established this magazine,
titled Hussein Revivalism in order
to realistically portrait Islam as was
presented by the prophet of Allah
(pbuh) and his progeny (pbut).
Imam Hussein was a part of the
prophets progeny. He sacrificed
his life and the lives of his family,
close friends and followers for the
sake of Islam. The purpose of this
sacrifice was to revive the freedom
of humanity, to reestablish justice
and free the oppressed people
from an unjust regime.
Since Imam Husseins (peace be
upon him) martyrdom, his followers
and lovers began visiting his Holy
tomb in Karbala (Iraq) forever.

Haidar Muhammed

Hussein Revivalism


Hussein Revivalism is a seasonly cultural magazine. Its aim
reflects moderate Islam and Imam Hussein (Grandson of the
Prophet Islam Muhammad) principles.
We establish this magazine to create communication bridges
between east and west.
It is issued by media department in Imam Hussein Holy

Hussein Revivalism


Who is Imam Hussein?


Hussein thoughts do justice to the jews

46 Woman of islam&woman of west

Scientific usfulness of fasting


52 Qur'an& Bible
Hussein Revivalism


Sabah Jassim

ince the messenger of God

(Muhammad) may Allah bless
him and his progeny, brought
the good news of Islam fifteen
centuries ago. As the divine
message and the conclusion of all
messages sent by God almighty,
the light of this religion spreaded
and reached the east and west of
the planet. It distributed guidance
and good advice through the
spreading of the teachings the
divine for unity and equality
among human beings despit their
colors and races...
After the death of the Prophet of
Islam (pbuh) the nation witnessed
a lot of grievances and divisions
between Muslims. The first part
wanted to appoint a caliph after
the prophet of Allah. The second
part who insisted on upholding
the will of the Prophet and the
fact that the real caliph is (Ali
Bin Abi Talib), (peace be upon
him) his brother and cousin. The
struggle reached attacking on
the Ali's house (pbuh) to force him
to designate the new caliph.
since then, a huge number of
Muslims (shiites)followed Ali Bin
Abe Talib and the Imams from
his progeny (pbut).They followed
their way despite adversity

Hussein Revivalism

abuse that occurred to them by

the other part, which resluted in
penance and then terrorism...
Today, we must definition the
true line of Islam to the world
(Shiites) for love, justice, humanity,
and calling for the reforming
community wisely and through
advice, not by intimidation and
Hence, we are taking from the
shrine of Imam Hussein (pbuh).
The grandson of Prophet of Islam
and the son of Imam Ali (pbuh)
to confirm the identity of the
real Islam away from violence,
extremism and terrorism.Imam
Hussein (peace be upon him),
who sacrificed himself , his
family and his companions in
the immortal battle of al-taff in
order to adjust the distortions ,
falsehood and corruption that
plagued Islam...


Hussein Revivalism


t is unfortunate that the Christian

West instead of sincerely trying
understand the phenomenal success of Islam has considered it a
rival religion.
During the centuries of the crusades, this trend gained much
force and impetus and a huge
amount of literature was produced to tarnish the image of Islam. Truth needs no advocates to
plead on its behalf. But the prolonged malicious.
Propaganda against Islam has created great confusion even in the

Hussein Revivalism

minds of some free and objective thinkers. But Islam has begun
to unfold its genuineness to the
modern scholars whose bold and
objective observation on Islam belie all the charges leveled against
it by the so-called unbiased orientalists.
The following are some observations on the Prophet of Islam, by
Acknowledged non-Muslim Western scholars and thinkers of modern times that we hope would
contribute to initiating an objective evaluation of the Islamic

He was Caesar and Pope in one;
but he was Pope without Pope>s
pretentions, Caesar without the legions of Caesar: without a standing army, without a bodyguard,
without a palace, without a fixed
revenue; if ever any man had the
right to say that he ruled by the
divine right, it was Mohammad,
for he had all the power without
its instruments and without its
Basworth Smith
Mohammad and Mohammadanism.


London 1874, p. 92
My choice of Muhammad to
lead the list of the world>s most
persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by
others, but he was the only man
in history who was supremely
successful on both the religious
and secular level.
Michael H. Hart
The 100: A Ranking of the Most
Influential Person in History,
New York: Hare Publishing Company, Inc., 1987. p. 33.
Mohammed was distinguished

by the beauty of his person, an

outward gift which is seldom despised, except by those to whom
if has been refused. Before he
spoke, the orator engaged on his
side the affections whether of a
public or a private audience. They
applauded his commanding presence, his majestic aspect his piercing eye, his gracious smile, his
flowing beard, his countenance
which painted every sensation
of his soul, and the gestures that
enforced each expression of the
tongue. In the familiar offices of
life, he scrupulously adhered to

the grave and ceremonious politeness of his country; his respectful

attention to the rich and powerful
was dignified by his condescension and affability to the poorest
citizen of Mecca;... his memory
was capacious and retentive, his
wit easy and social, his imagination sublime, his judgment clear,
rapid and decisive. He possessed
the courage both of thought and
action;... bears the stamp of an
original and superior genius.
Edward Gibbon
Decline and Fall of the Roman

Hussein Revivalism


A group of Soviet Scientist was

seeking monuments in the KIEV
(2)valley in July 1951. They found
pieces of wood that looked
very ancient. It was rectangular
in shape with its length (14)
and its width (10) knots. They
were amazed when they saw it
because of it did not decay.
That wooden plate underwent
several investigations and the
analysis completed in the year
1952. The plate was from the ship
of the prophet Noah (pbuh). Rest
of the Noah's ship was destroyed
except this plate. It did not decay
because of the inscription of
some letters that dates back to
the ancient language.
In 1953, the Soviet government
formed a committee that consists
of ancient languages experts and


Hussein Revivalism

scientists, and they were:

1 .Sawlot Naoev, professor at
Moscow University.
2 .Tanmova Kourov, professor of
Linguistics at Kevenzo College.
3 .De Racon, professor of
Archeology at Lenin institute.
4 .Mr. Taumol Goru, Teacher,
Cafezud College
5 .Major Cottor, Stalin College.
6 .Mr. M. Ahmed Colad, Zitcomen
Research Association
7 .Prof. Ifa Han Kheeno, Lu Lu
Han College China
After an eight month study on
this plate and the researching
the inscriptions they came to the
conclusion that the wooden plate
is from Noah's ship. The Prophet
Noah (pbuh) was putting this
wood plate to get blessing. The
letters were of seaman language.

The British scientist, Aief Max,

translated it to the English
language. He was ancient
Alsen teacher in the Manchester
University. This is its text;
(O my god my helper)
((keep my hands with mercy
((and for those holy people
(They are all biggest and
honorable, for them help me by
their names. You can reform to
rights direction)
They couldn't understand why this
plate didn't decay despite it dates
back to thousands of years. The
plate can be find in the ancient
monument museum in Moscow.


This news is published in different

magazine at 281953/12/, Alhuda
magazine 211945/3/, star of
British at 231954/1/, Manchester
sunlight at 221954/1/ and
London weekly mirror magazine
at 1.1954/2/
Noah's ship decayed except this
plate that has the Holy Names of
Ahl-ul-Bayt. so, we must confuse
that the external affect can be
separate from the material cells.
Therefore, Allah (swt) can stay
the cells on life to the period who
want it.
The body of the human being is
material cells & the spirit is inside
the body the human is a life. This
explains that many bodies do not
decay after the death for years.
Germany state wanted the body

of human being immortal and

made the human organs to be
instead of the natural organs.
profeesor Remor announce
his new religion
Renar korfer is a German scientist
and a professor of the medical
science. He made an artificial
heart. He used three surgeons
from the heart department.
They operated successfully on
a heart disease patient in the
north Renena-west falia(West
Germany), his age was (67).
Professor Korfer said this artificial
heart is working with small
electronic pump and it made
from titanium and it weighs (6,1)
kg including battery. It is called
lion heart. The patient died after
months but the Professor insist
to get out the artificially heart to

know the cause. The heart intact

and did not found any wrong in
the body of the death. At last, he
proof that Allah gives the spirit to
the human being and take it in
any time he willing . The professor
became Moslem and announce
his new religion but the media
side hidden the news. Allah (swt)
explains to the creature through
Noah's wood that he has ability
to stay the material to thousand
years. Allah (swt) give and take
the soul in any time he want so,
the everlasting stand (imam Almahady) who born at the mid
third century (A-H) is still.
----------------------------------------------------------------1- Ahlu albait: they are prphet
mohammed's progeny
2- depending on the first story the
second story is in Al-najaf valley .


Hussein Revivalism


mam Hussein (pbuh) is the grandson of prophet Muhammed (pbuh). His father Ali bin
Abi Talib, Muhammed cousin. His mother is Fatima, Muhammed's daughter. He was
born on 3rd of Sha'ban in the 4th year of the Islamic calendar, 625 A.D in the Holy city
of Madina, Arabia. His Grandfather named him Hussein, a diminutive word indicating his
physical attraction and suggesting his beautiful character. The Holy Qur'an refers to him

Hussein Revivalism


with some other members of Prophet's family, saying:

Indeed God desires to purify you; Oh! the people of the House The Qur'an
Thus, on many occasions, the prophet (pbuh) indicated that his grandson Al-Hussein is
the most qualified Imam. Once he said of him and his brother Al- Hassan these two boys
are my sons; they are two Imams.

Hussein Revivalism


Imam Hussein (Pbuh)

A revolution against injustice

mam Hussein (pbuh) revival

is completed and standed by
Imam Hussein and lady zaynab 1
There are right and wrong way. If
you want to choose the right way,
you will become in Imam Hussein
side and carry the principle of
victims and virtue. If you choose
the wrong way, you will against
imam Hussein rituals these rituals,
which guide the people to the

Hussein Revivalism

right direction and reflect the

principle of Holy Qur'an.
Imam Hussein's followers have
aim to break Amouai (2) thoughts
which presnted by modern
After fall tyrant's regime in Iraq,
the freedom people apply imam
Hussein (pbuh) thoughts. They
are coming to his holy tomb in
crowd and from various countries

to remind his blessing revolution.

They consider Imam Hussein
revolt point to reform because
Imam Hussein (pbuh) big reformer
not only for Islamic religion but
also to all the world.
---------------------------------------------------------------1-lady zaynab: she is Imam Hussein's sister.
2- Amouai: injustice regime in the time of Imam
Hussein (pbuh)


he history has life cycle repeated

itself between one stage and
the other, but noted that each time
the return is generally different
from what preceded.
The incident that has the same
part of the life cycle of history, it
comes in a completely different
approximation of the factors that
preceded it by accident which
makes a long-term strategy - as is
the case in the revolution of Imam
Hussein (pbuh), or rake, followed
by various events to be lost in the
depths of history.
One of the most important
factors that gave Imam Hussein>s
Revivalism to sustain the innovation
remained effective even after
the occurrence in 1400; it has
raised two generations of Islam. It
included prophet>s followers and
other Companions of Khalifa Ali
ibn Abi Talib (pbuh) and became
under the flag of the Imam Hussein
in the battle of (Altaf 1)
The global dimension characterizes
this revolution to give the most
important qualities of durability.
It did not come to a certain
category in a given territory, but it
established the basic principles of
dealing with humanity at all times

and places. The time dimension

provides it with the elements of
continuity and renewal.
Accordingly, the world today needs
the light of enlightenment to the
Imam Hussein (pbuh) more than
before. The modern ignorantly is
more and more violent than the
first ignorantly. Ignorance is the
same as the first, but with modern
Wars that comes on the harvest
and kill most of the human
being in general and the kinds of
corruption and injustice in various
levels and the infringement of
rights at all levels. Extremism is
made the terrorism so that all
the concepts of humanity, which
spoilt Islam religion.
The objectives brought about by
the revivalism of Hosseini are the
other had a deep impact on this
revolution to keep the flame alive
in the world was formed after
those goals with the center of
the best around the world for his
sense of sacrifice and generosity
of parents and self, money and
children to the values of God and
believes in religious obligations of
life circumstances continuity and

The objectives of those in the

immortal epic:
1 - emphasis on the religion of
Islam calls for the use of dialogue
and non-violence in a variety of
problems, and to the last moment
of peace, which is still advocated
by Imam Hussein (pbuh) since
entering Iraq, even noon on the
tenth of Muharram (hour of his
martyrdom). Before the fighting,
where he addressed the people
advising them, warning them that
they fought and killed the family
of Muhammad (the prophet of
2- Revivalism of Al-Hussein
established the principle of noninitiation of aggression.
3 - The Revivalism mean to say
that can not have abandoned
the ground of argument, the
subjects and lead the country
and to preserve the foundations
and principles of religion as
Show here the importance of the
Imam himself to lead the reform
movement, when it reached
the levels of delinquency and
corruption and the blurring
of religion at the hands of the
Umayyad end can only be
addressed in this Invaluableness.
Finally, the concepts of solidarity
and sympathy, which made
their way to the ground through
the Muslims loyal to the Ahlu
Albyat(pbut), under the title
Hosseini rites, have contributed
greatly to the preservation of the
spirit of the Renaissance through
the commitment to perform
Ashura ceremony every year for
over fourteen century, which gave
a never-ending time or place.
----------1- Altaf: Karbala's battle, which Imam Hussein
was killed

Hussein Revivalism


ecularism is defined in the

Webster dictionary as: A
system of doctrines and practices
that rejects any form of religious
faith and worship or The belief
that religion and ecclesiastical
affairs should not enter into the
function of the state especially
into public education.
There is no doubt that secularism
contradicts Islam in every aspect.
They are two different paths
that never meet; choosing
one means rejecting the other.
Hence, whoever chooses Islam
has to reject secularism.
-First, secularism makes lawful
what Allah has made unlawful.
The Rule of Allah (Shari`ah) is
compulsory and has basic laws
and regulations that cannot be
changed. Some of these laws
are concerned with the acts of
worship, the relations between
men and women, etc.

Hussein Revivalism

What is the position with regard

to these laws?
The (Riba) (interest on money),
it is the basis of all financial
transactions in secular economies.
On the contrary, Allah says (2.
278): O you who believe, fear
Allah and leave what comes from
Riba if you are believers. If you
do not do so, then wait for a war
from Allah and His Messenger.
Second ;Secularism is based on
separating religion from all the
affairs of this life and hence, it
rules by law and regulations
other than Allah's laws. Hence,
secularism rejects Allah's rules
with no exception and prefers
regulations other than Allah's and
His Messenger's. In fact, many
secularists claim that Allah's laws
might have been suitable for the
time they were revealed but are
now outdated.
As a result, most of the laws

governing the daily affairs of life

in the countries ruled by secular
systems contradict Islam. From
the above, the status of secularism
and its relation to Islam are clear.
But the ignorance about the
Islamic truth is still dominating
the Muslim's mind. Most secular
systems repeat slogans like no
religion in politics and no politics
in religion or religion is for
Allah, and the state is for the
people. Such sayings portray
their view of Islam as a religion
to be practiced in the mosque
only, and that it should not be
allowed to rule life outside the
mosque. Furthermore, they try to
deceive people with democratic
slogans like personal freedom
and people governing people.
That means that people come
first and no place is made for the
ruling of Allah.


How to Bring Back Hope to

Among the most important
illnesses of our time is the acute
and chronic depression, which
is caused by the repeated failure
to achieve goals, with the
resulting desperation. It is clear
that man can only achieve part
of his aspirations. Therefore, he
may experience an involuntary
relapse because of that, with the
accompanying psychological and
physical symptoms.
The solution to this problem


does not lie in achieving all our

goals, something no man ever
accomplished, but in learning how
to put failure behind our backs
and start again. This, however,
needs special knowledge
Desperation is sometimes related
to life goals. In other times, it
is related to the divine Mercy.
The first kind deprives man of his
transient happiness; the second
deprives him of his eternal
happiness. Our scholars have

deemed desperation of Allahs

Mercy to be a mortal sin. Because
man needs comfort in both
worlds, it is necessary that we get
rid of both kinds of desperation.
Encountering the first failure is
one of the causes of despair.
The man who does not have the
forbearance and the capability
to contain crises will back up
facing the first crisis and will not
re-try to enter lifes arena. This is
the result of living in a luxurious
environment, which encourages
man to be dependant on others
As for giving up hope in Allahs
Mercy-which is the main part of
todays sermon-we have this to
say: If man reaches this dangerous
stage, he will lose the ability to
change anything in his life, which
is what Satan needs to keep him
disobedient until the end of his
life. Hence, the Korans saying,
{Of Allahs comfort no one should
despair, excepting the people of
the unbelievers}!
When the genuine repentant
returns to Allah, he will go fast
in his motion. The awareness
of his black history will motivate
him to make a better record and
to compensate for the time lost
in ignorance. It is known that
refraining from doing misdeeds in
one stage will give man the power
to refrain from doing misdeeds in
the future stages, because it will
condition his soul to refuse the
call of desire and caprice.
It is wrong to disparage those
who sincerely repent because
of their history in disobedience.
It is known that by becoming
a Moslem, past misdeeds are
disregarded, the repentant and
the one who did not do misdeeds
are alike, asking for forgiveness
eliminates great sins and that
venial sins are no more venial if
persistently repeated.


Hussein Revivalism


any terms enterd to Islamic

religion some of them are
Westren and some are other
Muslims. It leds to the mixing
of ideas and thoughts.
islamic thoughts accused of
unilateralism. If they exposed to
science and jurisprudence Ahlu
Al-byt (pbut) they will look at the
specific dimensions of intellectual.
I think they are running in right
way and retreat from many of the
negative thoughts. They have
been charged with Islam.
We will mention to version talk
about the pluralism to Imam
Hussein (pbuh)

the story is as follows

according to Al-Hussein (pbuh)
said: I heard Prophet (pbuh) say
(best works after the prayer is
entering pleasure to the heart of
believer who has no sin).
Imam Hussein said: I saw a boy
was eat with a dog so I told him
Jew's manservant was hearing
him (Imam Hussein)and said:
oh prophet's son, I am sad and I
ask pleasure because my own is
Jewish and I want to depart him
(he want to get his freedom)
After that imam Hussein went to
the Jewish and gave him two
hundreds dinars price of the


Hussein Revivalism

Jewish: I donated you the boy
sir and this garden for him and
pay back the money to you as
Imam Hussein: I donated you
the money
Jewish: I have accepted the
money, and gave him (the boy)
the money
Imam Hussein: The boy is freeing
and donated all for him
Jewish's wife said: I had converted
Islam and donated my bowery to
my husband
Jewish said: I converted to Islam
and I gave her this house.
Moral lesson is obvious and
does not deserve comment, I
comment on this story from the
other aspects, namely:
The first aspect: the type of the
pleasure that entered to the heart
of believer by any Muslim is to
be insured is no sin, and this
is important because there are
many who complement in order
to satisfy and pleasure of others
by the principles of Islam so he
get sins because of this
The second aspect: it is very
important to show that the Jewish
story of living a happy life under
Islam, so he has Muslim's boy to
serve and non-objection from the
Islamic government at that time.

Many Jews have Muslim's

menservants, particularly Salman
Mohammadi and how the
Messenger of Allah (swt) free him
from the Jewish owner.
The third aspect: Offer of Imam
Hussein (pbuh) to purchase the
Jewish slave. He did not force
him emancipation without the
price, as he did not impose
Imam Hussein for the purchase
price to the slave. the two sides
was clear that the pluralism and
non-cancellation of the other
were practiced in the Islamic
government and that he does not
deal with the embarrassment in
the interest of Jews to Islam, may
not deny the Jewish religion.
Imam Ali (pbuh) Says: if I get the
permission I will ruled the people
of the Torah by their holy book
and the people of the bible by
their book and the people of holy
Qur'an by their holy book.
This speech is clear that the
Jewish and Christian legislation
to regulate the lives of the Jewish
and Christian books and Imam
Ali (pbuh) did not cancel it, but
passed from his Speach. Islam
remains the best, and that Ali who
was walking with a Jew in the
way. He was complement Jewish
in his belief when he arrived at
the Jewish's place, he said to

Imam Ali you want to kufa.
Imam Ali: yes
Jewish: we pass kufa
Imam Ali: that is our morals to
keep our guest to the door of
his home. The Jewish wondered
from this moral then he deciced
to become muslim . This means
that the Jews had been living in
the Muslim community with the
full enjoyment.
Here the Muslims, especially those
in western countries must be
explaining the principles of Islam
and control the balance of the
non-waiver on the principles of
Islam. Vigorous is unacceptable,
The fourth aspect: the nature of
the Jews and the Christians who
were at the time of certain morals
that are different from what exists
in this time So if we act today,
with the Jews or Christians today
as the disposal of Ahlu Al-bayt
(p) will entered Islam, we think
not, but at least we will ensure
them the evils of evil without
good persons as the Jewish
and Christian communities are
not abandoned from characters
considered a moderate Islam into
What a difference between the
ideas of bin Laden , Zawahiri and
Wahhabi and the idea of Ahlu
Albayt (pbut) in the direction of
other sects.

Hussein Revivalism


slam is a religion that came

after Judaism, Christianity, etc.
Sometimes people of other faiths
ask this question: How is Islam
related to the other religions
preceding it? In this respect, our
response is simple.
Allah, in His infinite Justice and
Mercy, sent His Prophets to guide
the people to Allah, to show
them not only how to worship
God but also how to live. This
guidance started from the time
of Adam. Through the Prophets
a Divine constitution was sent
that the people could follow and
attain salvation. After Adam, five
such constitutions were sent by
God, through Noah, Abraham,
Moses, Jesus and Muhammad
(Peace Be Upon Them All). Each
of these Prophets abrogated
the constitution that had been
followed up to his time and
presented the world with a new
constitution. The other Prophets
that came in between had been
sent to revive the constitutions.
For the example, the Prophets
came after Noah revived Noahs
constitution until Abrahaim came
and presented the world with a
new constitution, abrogating the
constitution of Noah.
The religions brought by
different Prophets were given
different names like Judaism,
Christianity, etc., and Islam is the
name of the religion that was
brought by Prophet Muhammad
who born in(17 rabaia Al-wal) to
salve the world from disbelieves.
Judaism was the path to salvation
till the coming of Jesus who
brought Christianity. Anyone
following Judaism after the
coming of Christianity was not
on the right path any more. The
same way, Christianity was the
path to salvation till the coming of


Hussein Revivalism

How Islam is Related to

Muhammad who brought Islam.

Anyone following Christianity
after the coming of Islam was
not on the right path any more.
Now comes one question: Why
do Muslims believe that Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) is the last
Prophet of Allah and Islam is the
last path of guidance? The reason
is simple. Noah, Abraham, Moses,

Jesus, none of the Prophets of

God ever declare that they were
the last Messengers of God and
that the path of salvation shown
by them was the last and final
path. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
brought Islam, and he did declare
that he was the last Messenger of
Allah and Islam was the last and
final path of salvation.


Is it permissible to steal from the unbelievers in their countries, or defraud them as they
themselves do?
It is not permissible to steal from their private and public property, neither cause any damage to such
property, since the said acts could tarnish the reputation of Islam and Muslims in general. Notwithstanding
the above, it is not permissible, for it amounts to treachery and breach of implicit trust, when applying for
entry visa or residence. Treachery and breach of trust directed against anybody is haraam.

Is it permissible for a Muslim to give false information to government departments in Europe

to gain some financial or abstract benefits, through proper channels?
It is not permissible because it is lying; what has been mentioned in the question does not fall within its

he was not
A person has entered a countr y as a visitor and his passport was stamped that
allowed to work. If he works illegally and gets the money <under the table>, is it
If the visa was granted against an undertaking that the person should not engage in any sort of
employment during the period of his stay in the country, his infringement of the undertaking is haraam.
However, this should not deny him the wages for the work; it is permissible that he has the right of disposal
over it as he deems fit.

Is it permissible to have sexual intercourse with a woman, from amongst the unbelievers or
the People of the Book, without a marriage contract, noting that their respective country is
in a state of war, directly or indirectly, against Muslims?
It is not permissible.

What is the ruling on saying assalaamu [alaikum] (Islamic salutation, meaning peace
with you) to the People of the Book or unbelievers? Also, is it permissible to send
seasonal greetings, such as on Christmas?
There is no harm in initiating the salutation, albeit makrooh (undesirable act) except out of necessity,
under whose remit comes urf. Responding to their salutation should be by uttering [the word] alaik (with
you). There is no harm in greeting them on their occasions.

Hussein Revivalism


Creation of God, the pattern on

which He has made mankind;
there is no change in the work
of God. That is the standard
religion, but most among
mankind do not understand.
Holy Qur'an (30:30)
They claim that God is dead.
They should have said that gods
are dead. The confusion arises
when false gods are identified
as God.
An atheist astronaut once
gleefully joked that he went high
above in the space but could
not see the god. So, here is the
confusion: the poor soul did not
know that God is not a body
to be seen or found in a place.
His joke just confirmed the belief
of those who have emphasized
from the very beginning that
God could not have been seen.
Belief in a God is as much
natural as any natural instinct
can be. This eternal truth has
been explained in the verse of
the Holy Qur'an mentioned
An atheist asked Imam Jafar
al Sadiq (pbuh) how could
he convince him about the
existence of God. Coming to
know that the man had gone
several times on sea voyages,


Hussein Revivalism

the Imam asked him, Have you

ever been caught in a fierce
storm in the middle of nowhere,
your rudder gone, your sails torn
away, trying desperately to keep
your boat afloat. The answer
was Yes. Then the Imam asked,
even that leaking boat went
down leaving you exhausted
and helpless on the mercy of
raging waves? The answer
was again Yes. Then the Imam
asked: Was not there, in all that
black despair, a faint glimmer of
hope in your heart that some
unnamed and unknown power
could still save you. When he
agreed, Imam said: That power
is God.
That atheist was intelligent. He
knew the truth when he saw it.
Today's atheist give that place to
Nature. The only snag is that
poor Nature is senseless and
lifeless. How a senseless and
lifeless idea (because nature is
no more than an abstract idea)
could create an universe of such
magnitude with such a systematic
perfection, uniting millions and
millions of galaxies in a well-knit
system? How could nature give
life and sense to creatures when
itself has none?

Unity of God
Say: He is Allah, the One
and Only; Allah, the External,
Absolute; He be getteth not,
nor is He begotten, and there
is none like unto Him. Holy
Qur'an (112)
This short surah of the Holy
Qur'an is the most significant
of all writings dealing with the
oneness of God. As Allamah
Abdllah Yusuf Ali has commented
in his tradition of the Holy Book,
the nature of God has been
indicated here in a few words,
such as we can understand. He
writes: Here we are specially
taught to avoid the pitfalls into
which man and nations have
fallen at various times in trying
to understand God.
The first thing we have to note
is that His nature is so sublime,
so far beyond our limited
conceptions, that the best way
in which we can realize Him is
to feel that He is a personality.
He, and not a mere abstract
Secondly, He is the One and Only
God, the only one to Whom
worship is due, all other things
or beings that we can think of
are His creatures and in no way
comparable to Him. Thirdly, He


is Eternal, without beginning or

end; Absolute, not limited by
time or place or circumstances,
the reality before which falls
other things or places are mere
shadows or reflections.
Fourthly, we must not think of
Him as having a son or a father,
for that would be to import
qualities into our conception
of Him. Fifthly, He is not like
any other person or thing
that we know or can imagine;
His qualities and nature are
In fact this short surah is a
declaration of war against
all ideas of paganism and
from the beginning have had
a tendency to imagine God
in their own image. Some
thought of Him as having
body like animals or humanbeings. Others thought that
He was incarnated in the forces
of nature like rain, lightening,
mountain and river. Still others
thought that He was a father
and had a child or children.
But this surah warns us against
this tendency to conceive God
after our own pattern.

Can Natur replace God?

Nature designed this; Nature
adapted that.
These are
the phrases frequently seen
nowadays in the text-books and
What is this Nature anyway? It
is nothing but an abstract idea
formed in the human brain after
careful study of the behavior of
the things. It may be found (if it
is found at all) within the things;
it has no independent existence.
And, in any case, there is no record
of any conference of the natures
of various things, held to decide
how to co-ordinate their functions.
Flowers never conferred with the
bees to seek the bees co-operation
in their pollination, offering them,
in exchange, their nectar. But
we know that bees could not
live a single day without flowers;
and thousands of flowers would
long have been extinct but for the
phenomena which can not be
explained by natures planning.
When Moses fled from Pharaoh,
the Red Sea parted, allowing
him and his followers to cross
to the promised land. Scientists
nowadays try to explain it by
natural causes; an earthquake

must have made the water shift at

that time. All right. But why did
that supposed earthquake occur
at a time when Moses and his
followers desperately wanted to
cross the Sea, and why it remained
parted till Pharaoh entered into it?
And why the movement of water
was reversed at that very moment
when the enemy of God with his
people was in the midst of the
Sea? Was it all a coincidence?
And was it a coincidence which
prompted a spider to weave its
cobweb at the mouth of the
cave in which the Holy Prophet
Mohammad (pbuh) was hiding
from the pagans of Mecca who
wanted to murder him? And
more than that, was it also a
coincidence which brought a pair
of pigeons to build their nest at the
mouth of that very cave at thick
of night and lay the eggs before
mornings? It was that cobweb
and nest with eggs which led
the blood-thirsty enemies to
believe that Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh) could not be in that cave,
otherwise the cobweb would
have been destroyed and the nest
and the eggs broken!
Can that speed and timing
of the pigeons and spider be
explained by natural causes?


Hussein Revivalism


mam Hussein(pbuh) left Mecca

to the Holy city (Al-Madina Almounara) in Al-tarwiyah (1) day.
Before his leaving, he visited
Mecca and walked around (Alsaffa & Al-Marawa) 2
First stage:
Al-Hussein in the Holy city
(Al-madena Al-mounara)
Imam Hussein (pbuh) Movement
from the Holy city to Mecca and
Kufa has many moral lessons,
great, and honor situations in
whole sides that every believer can
get moral lessons. this Movement
leads to the right direction.
Therefore, we shall select a part
from this blessing movement.
After Yazid had became caliph,
he sent a letter to Al-Madina ruler
(Alwaled bin utba) ordering him to
get agreement from Imam Hussein
(pbuh). The letter contained, "if
Imam Hussein refused me as a
caliph slay him and send his head
to me). This letter reflected the
bad behavior with the progeny
of the messenger of Allah. Yazid
did not respect the will of Prophet
Muhammad when he said (Verily,
I am leaving behind two precious
things (thaqalayn)3 among you:
the Book of God and my kindred
(`itrah), my household (Ahl alBayt),
for indeed, the two will never
separate until they come back to
me by the Pond (of alKawthar on
the Judgement Day).
We inspire lessons from Abu
Abdullah Al-Hussein (peace be
upon him) in the Dignity, heroism
and sacrifice for the sake of Allah.
When Al-wled asked to pledge the


Hussein Revivalism

caliph and his refusing to Al-waled

require. Imam Hussein said (We
are Ahlul albayt and the origin of
Allah message and angels come
down on our grandfather and
with us Allah started(started his
message) and will end it . Yazed is
a killer, drinker and like me do not
submit to him).
Then Al-Hussein determined to
leave the city of his grandfather.
Before his leaving, he had gone
to the tomb of his grandfather to
say good bye.
Al-Hussein (pbuh) gives us a
lesson how to deal with graves
and respect them.
He arrived to the grave of his
grandfather (pbuh) at night and
spoke to him (the messenger of
God) saying (O Messenger of Allah
peace to you, I am Al-Hussein and
the son of Fatima. O Messenger
of Allah be witness that, They
had left me alone).
Then Imam Hussein's brother
(Muhammad bin Al-hanfaia) came
to Al-Hussein's house and he was
so sad to his brother's departure.
He told him: O brother, you are
the nearest man to my heart.
You are my spirit and my old
brother. You must leave pledge of
allegiance of Yazid. Brother send
your followers to tell people that
you are the right direction. I fear
that the people will change their
opinion when you enter to any
citiy. They will kill you because
they will divide into two parts
with you and against you. Yazid
will tempt them.
ImamHusseinsaid to his brother.

what do you suggest?

where should I go brother?
His brother said: go to Mecca and
if you uncomfortable and feel
risk on your life left it towards Alyamn.
Al-Hussein said: brother, I do not
pledge of allegiance Yazed bin
Mua'awea even I won't not find a
place to live. Then, Imam Hussein
(pbuh) wrote a will to his brother
Muhammad Bin Al-Hanafai before
his leaving saying:
(In the name of Allah most
gracious most merciful
to Brother of Hussein bin Ali,
you must believe that no God
but Allah and Muhammad his
Al-Hussein in Mecca
When Imam Hussein entered
Mecca on Friday night. he said
to its people the following verse
(ayat)(And as he turned his face
towards Madyan, he said [to
himself]: It may well be that my
Sustainer will [thus] guide me
onto the right path) al-Qassas
(22). All people were cheerful
when they saw Al-Hussein. While
Aumar bin Sa'ad (prince of Mecca)
was weariness so he wrote to
Yazid that he wanted to kill Imam
Imam Hussein stayed in Mecca for
four month (shabban, Ramdan,
shawal and thw Alqa'ada)
-----------------------------------------------------1- Al-truwai: it is the eighth day from thw -Alhaja Month
2- Al-saffa & Al-mraw: one of the pilgrimage
rites at Mecca
3- Al- thaqaleen: prophet Muhammed use
this word to show that these ways are right.

Immortal Books

ahjul Al-Balaghah is the

theological composition in Islam
after the Holy Quran and the
Sunnah and it had been written
by Imam Ali (pbuh). This sublime
book has no parallel. After the
Holy Quran and the Sunnah
(the sayings and traditions of
the Prophet Muhammad, peace
be upon him), there is no other
book that compares with it in
the respect it commands or in
its comprehensive coverage of
the different aspects of life (in all
its diversity). The Messenger of
Allah bore testimony to Imam Alis
extraordinary accomplishments
in some of his traditions: I am
the locality of knowledge and Ali
is its gateway. Ali is to me just as
Aaron was to Moses, except that
there will be no prophet after
me. The words of Imam Ali (a.s.)
are considered to be the peak of
Arabic eloquence. The following
are some of his sayings:
1-When this world favors
anybody, it lends him the merits
of others,
and when it turns away from
him, it takes with it his own
2-The most helpless of all men
is he who cannot find a few
brothers during his life, but still
more helpless is he who loses the
brethren he already gained.
3-He whose deeds let him lag
behind, his pedigree cannot
push him to the front.

4-No one may conceal a thing in

his heart without it manifesting
itself through slips of the tongue
and in the expressions of his
5-To miss what one needs
is easier than to beg it from an
6-One's value is in what one
can do well.
7-Describing the mob, he said:
They are those who conquer
when they get together and are
unknown when they disperse.
8-I am surprised at those
who refrain from food lest they

fall sick, but they would not
refrain from sins lest they should
in the Fire.
9-Beware of disobeying Allah in
solitude, because the witness
is also the judge.
10-To praise more than is due is
flattery, but falling short of
the due is either faltering or
11-At the extremity of hardship
comes relief, and at the
of the chains of tribulation
comes ease.


Hussein Revivalism



This book is authored by

the fourth Imam who is Ali
ibn al-Hussein (pbuh). He
the son of Imam Hussein
(pbuh). According to some
narrations, he was born
the fifth of Sha'ban, 38 AH
(1) and became martyred
in twenty fifth from Muha
on 95 AH. He wrote this
book to show the all rights
which lead the human be
to the right path.

Part one
In the Name of Allah, Mo
st Beneficent, Most Merciful
Know God have mercy up
on you that God has rights
incumbent upon you and
these encompass you in
every motion through wh
you move, every rest wh
you take, every way statio
n in which you reside, ev
ery limb which you emplo
every instrument which yo
u use. Some of these rights
are greater than others. An

Hussein Revivalism


the greatest of God's rights incumbent upon you is what He has made incumbent
upon you for Himself the Blessed and the Exalted from His rights. That which is the
root of all rights from which others branch out. Then those which He has made
incumbent upon you in yourself, from your crown to your foot, according to the
diversity of your organs.He established for your sight a right incumbent upon
you, and your hearing a right incumbent upon you, and your tongue a right
incumbent upon you, and your hand a right incumbent upon you, and your legs
a right incumbent upon you, and your stomach a right incumbent upon you, and
your private part a right incumbent upon you. These are the seven organs through
which deeds take place. Then the Mighty and the High established for your deeds
rights incumbent upon you. Then He established for your ritual prayer a right
incumbent upon you, and your fasting a right incumbent upon you, and your
charity a right incumbent upon you, and your offering a right incumbent upon
you, and your deeds a right incumbent upon you. Then the rights extend out from
you to others who have rights incumbent upon you. And the most incumbent of
them incumbent upon you are the rights toward your leaders.

Then the greatest right of God incumbent upon you is that you worship Him without
associating anything with Him. When you do that with sincerity, He has made it
binding upon Himself to give you sufficiency in the affairs of this world and the next
and to keep for you whatever of them that you like.
And the right of yourself incumbent upon you is that you employ it in obeying God;
then you deliver to your tongue its right, to your hearing its right, to your sight its
right, to your hand its right, to your leg its right, to your stomach its right, to your
private part its right, and you seek help from God in all that.
1-AH: after the prophet Muhammed's hajra from Mecca to Madeina

Hussein Revivalism


Migration to Non-Muslim Countries

Hussein Revivalism

Muslim who is born and raised

in a Muslim country where he
consciously and subconsciously
absorbs the laws, values and
teachings of Islam, grows up into a
young person who is aware of the
customs of his religion, following
its path and is led by its guidance.
On the other hand, a Muslim who
is born, and brought up in a nonMuslim country demonstrates the
influence of that environment
very clearly in his thoughts, ideas,
behavior, values, and etiquette
unless his Lord helps him. This unIslamic influence is seen more in
the second generation of those
who have migrated to nonMuslim countries
General Rules
Based on these and other
similar (ahadith) speeches, and
other religious proofs, the jurists
(mujtahidin) have issued the
following rulings:
1-It is recommended for a
believer to travel to non-Muslim
countries for the purpose of
spreading the religion [of Islam]
and its teaching, provided that
he can safeguard himself and
his young children against the
dangers of loss of the faith. The

Prophet said to Imam <Ali, If Allah

guides a person from among His
servants through you, then that is
better than everything between
the east and the west on which
the sun shines.1 When asked by
a person for a counsel, he said,
I advise you not to associate
anything with Allah...and to call
the people to Islam. You should
know that [the reward] for you for
each person who answers [your
call] is [equal to] emancipating a
slave from the children of [Prophet]
Ya>qb.2 (See the questionanswer section below.)
2-A believer is allowed to travel
to non-Muslim countries provided
that he is sure or has confidence
that the journey would not have
a negative impact on his faith and
the faith of those who are related
to him.
3-Similarly, a believer is allowed
to reside in non-Muslim countries
provided that his residing there
does not become a hurdle in the
of fulfilling his religious obligations
towards himself and his family
presently as well as in future.
(See the question-answer section
4-It is haram to travel to nonMuslim countries in the East or
the West if that journey causes
loss of the faith of a Muslim, no
matter whether the purpose of
that journey is tourism, business,
education, or residence of a
temporary or permanent nature,
etc. (See the question-answer
section below.)
5-If the wife strongly feels or
is sure that her traveling with
the husband [to a non-Muslim
country] will result in loss of faith
, it is haram for her to travel with
6-If the baligh (1) (boys) or girls
strongly feel that their journey [to
the non-Muslim country] with

their father or mother or friends
will cause loss of faith, it is (haram)
forbidden for them to travel with
those people.
7-What do the jurists mean
when they speak of, loss of
faith? It means either committing
a forbidden act by indulging in
minor or major sins like drinking
forbidden meat, or drinking (najis)
impure drinks, etc. It also means
abandoning the fulfillment of a
compulsory act like neglecting salat
(pray), fasting, hajj(pilgrimage)
and other obligations.
8-If circumstances force a Muslim
to migrate to a non-Muslim
country with the knowledge that
the migration will cause loss of
faith (e.g., a person seeks political
asylum in a non-Muslim country
in order to save his life), it is
permissible for him to make that
journey to the extent that it saves
his life, and not more than that.
(See the question-answer section
9-If an immigrant Muslim,
residing in a non-Muslim country,
knows that his stay in that country
will lead to loss of faith or of that
of his children, it is (must doing)
(wajib) on him to return to one
of the Muslim countries. (See
the questions at the end of this
section.) As mentioned above,
this loss of faith is realized by
neglecting the obligatory acts or
by committing sins.
The obligation to return to a
Muslim country applies only if
it does not lead to death [for
example, for a political opponent
who has fled his own country],
or to putting him in untenable
situation or, to an emergency
obligations are suspended (e.g.,
the necessity of preserving life
which allows a person to eat

forbidden (haram) meat in order

to prevent his own death from
10-If the journey is forbidden
(haram) for a person, then his
journey will be considered a
journey of sin; and, in such
cases, he loses the benefit of
the concession of praying (qasr)
in four -rak>at salat and also the
benefit of not fasting during the
month of Ramadhan. As long as
his journey maintains the status
of sin, he cannot benefit from
such concessions provided by the
shari>a for travelers.
11-A son is not allowed to
disobey his parents when they
forbid him from travelling, if their
refusal to give permission is out of
their concern for the son, or if his

journey will cause distress to them

because of his separation from
them - provided that he does not
suffer loss by not traveling.
12-It is permissible to approach
the competent authorities [like
police and the justice system in a
non-Muslim country] for various
important issues -like prevention
of harm befalling the person,
the honour and the property of
a Muslim- provided that it is the
only way for exacting one>s right
and preventing injustice
1: Baligh means the legal age in
Islamic laws which for boys starts
at fifteen lunar years and for girls
at nine lunar years. Growth of
pubic hair or sexual discharge is
also a sign of attaining the age of


Hussein Revivalism


he Section of cooling is an
important part in the holy
shrine through the Vigorous and
sustained efforts to offer comfort
to the visitors of the holy shrine.

[pakg]. It
contains a number of separate
units were importing these devices
from the company (Eewoork)
its capacity 1600 tons. The cost
of this project is eight hundred
The engineer (Alaa Mahmoud) thousand dollars.
informs us In view of the
expansion in Al-Hussein's holy * Phases of the project:
shrine after the roofing project The first phase of the project
has emerged an urgent need to (studying and importing devices)
adapt the campus, and we have is completed. They will be placed
studied to take a central system in the agenda of these devices.
completed in nearly three years.
But during this time, we plan Q: can you give us a general idea
to adapt an alternative campus about the draft cooling of the
in accordance with the system Holy Shrine?


Hussein Revivalism

A Roofing of Imam Hussein

Holy shrine and project of the
second floor and the specificity
of this type of buildings led to
prepare suitable temperature and
humidity in all the appropriate
spaces for the project. It was
necessary to adjust the location
and use of the adaptation of
privacy to cover the thermal
loads imposed to achieve best
results. It will be used as the type
of central air conditioners (Gelr),
including cooling, heating and
Hydration and the removal of
moisture and air purification and


as weather conditions
and the requirements of external
factors and a different estimated.
The capacity (6000) tons (by the
initial studies) involves the energy
shrine of Imam Hussein (pbuh).
In addition to the ground floor
rooms and the first floor and
second floor for future expansion
Holy Shrine .
The location of the cooling
(Gelr) would be outside the (2)
kilometers away from the shrine
through tunnels.
The air-distribution units (AHU) will
be distributed to different sites of

shrine surface to ensure the
distribution and coverage of the
air-conditioned space. The first
and the second will be used
system (fan coil), also different
capacities, and different forms
depending on the nature of the
place to be adapted.
This project is the largest cooling
in Iraq. The cost of the project is
forty million dollars. The location
have been selected for this project
site to install devices which is
about two kilometers, where
the supply pipe network into the
shrine and are working through

the payment of the water in

the pipes It is isolated through a
tunnel dug and is worth nearly
half of the value of isolating the
total project work as required
This network is closed to pass
through the air to be cooled and
there are a number of companies
that are studying the project and
will be selecting the best study
of the implementation of the
future, even in terms of provision
of electricity for this project. we
continue to work in service of
visitors of Imam Hussein (pbuh).

Hussein Revivalism


One of the projects on the level

of engineering excellence and
service is a four- floors building, the
structure of metal, broken down as


Hussein Revivalism

earth ground floor (cellar),

consisting of a health spa with
(200) unit for men and women in
addition to the places for ablution.
The walls will be covered with

marble and will consist various

The ground floor of a modern
health clinic provides all health
services for visitors with a small


mosque to the people of the

region and the particular host and
kitchen stores for food.
The first floor includes the host its
area (2000 m2). the floor will be

divided in two sections to separate

the men from the women to
provide food for the visitors.
The second floor, will include
scientific school contain rooms and

administrative rooms.
The third floor will include rooms
and floors for the deputations
whom come to holy Karbala.
The importance of this project in the


Hussein Revivalism


miscellaneous services provided to

visitors includes health and service,
housing and food.
The construction
The installation structure of this


Hussein Revivalism

project consists of bridges and steel

columns. The roof will contain
small iron bridges and concerts.
The Walls will contain light iron
structure with two iron nets (BRC)

between the buffer layer of cork to

prevent sound and heat.
The project is located in Al-Abbasstreet (pbuh) an area of (2460) Two


thousand four hundred and sixty

square meters and an estimated
cost of (ten-billion Dinars). The
duration of the completion of the
project is twenty-four months, the

work carried out previously (Al in the Imam Hussein Holy shrine
Kawthar Company). Al Kawthar and (Omar Amer Maud ) is the
Company designed and funded engineer supervising.
the project while the supervisor
is the department of engineering


Hussein Revivalism

Expanding Imam Hussein (pbuh) Holy Shrine by

Causes and results

Why are we expanding the Holy

Shrine of Imam Hussein by this
After tyrant fall, Ahlul albait
followers get free to perform
the different visiting. The millions
visiting increase like (Zayrat Alarba>aen, Al-sha>abania, and
Zayrat Arafa, Zayrat Ashoura>a,
Al-Qdar nights and Friday's
nights), in which thousands of
visitors from different cities enter
Karbala every week. Moreover,


Hussein Revivalism

thousands of visitors come from

Gulf cities and Islamic countries.
These come in crowd to perform
the daily prayer and Friday prayer
are done inside the Holy Shrine.
The preachers recite daily religion
lecture not only in the Ashora>a
and Ramadan month but also in
every day.
In spite of the difficulties faced
by visitors but Al-Hussein rituals
perform through the summer
and winter. The visitor suffers from

hot or cold weather especially

through crowd visits (zayrats) and
Friday prayer. Imam Hussein Holy
Shrine witnesses crowed visitors
and prayers. They perform the
rituals in sunlight and rainy days.
When the Holy Shrine exposed to
the rain, the visitors enter the Holy
tomb (the area surrounding the
Holy Tomb). These reasons make
the custodians of Imam Hussein
(pbuh) reduce the sufferings of
the visitors through two ways.


1- Installing moving Camps; This

ways imperfect because it does
not show the beautiful face of
the Holy Shrine. It must install the
columns inside the Holy Shrine.
There are ideas to install the
camps look like Al-Nabi mosque.
This idea cannot be completed
because its installment requires
foreign company and, as you
know the circumstances that Iraq
witnesses and the engineering
structure of the Holy Shrine

do not correspond with these

movement camps.
2-The fixed roof, this project
corresponds with the engineering
structure to the Holy Shrine and
this achieves will prepare good
atmosphere to the visitors. It
protect them from the hot summer
by adding the air conditions to
the Holy Shrine and protect them
from the cold and rainy weather
in winter season.
The answer to those who think

that the project will change the

engineering structure of the Holy
Shrine is that the area between
the Holy Shrineswill be wider to
cover to include the two Holy
Shrines since its area (15000) M2.
The capacity of the shrine contains
millions of visitors according to
the new design of Karbala city
center. The new shrine will be
given the same shape and you
can see the domes and minarets
of the two Holy Shrines.


Hussein Revivalism

The smallness of Imam Radha and
his sister Ma'souma tombs made
adminstrators add roofs to the
two Holy Shrines to contain mass
of visitors

The smallness of Imam Radha

and his sister Ma'souma tombs
made adminstrators add roofs to
the two Holy Shrines to contain
mass of visitors
The reasons, which lead to
execute the project of the second
floor and expand the Holy Shrine
by roofing
The administration of Imam
Hussein Holy Shrine has widely
thought second floor project.


Hussein Revivalism

It increased the activities of the

service departments. The activities
engineering and management
activity. This increased the
activities to achieve the aims of
activities and serve Imam Hussein
(pbuh) visitors.
The horizontal expansion outside
fence to the two Holy Shrines
needs much money to repair the
hotels and houses owners around

the Holy Shrines. Therefore, the

administration of the Holy Shrine
decides to find quick solution
to contain the expansion in
the new departments or the
departments, which will be
established in the future, like
curiosity museum and high study
center. The new floor will contain
departments and halls to study.
So the administration decided

to establish a new floor like the
earthly floor its area (4000) m2.
The religious activities like daily
lectures, Friday prayer and
ceremonial consolation that are
performed inside the Holy Shrine
makes the administration execute
the project of the expanding by
roofing Al-Hussein (pbuh) Holy
Shrine with the same engineering
structure. This project gets rid of
the cloth roof, which deforms
shape of the Holy Shrine. That

department changed the cloth
every summer because of the
Idea about two projects
The Holy Shrine requires
developing and establishing
new sets like halls, cultural
places, social and engineering
affairs. So it needs introductory
steps to the project. The project
will be executed by Iraqi staff.

engineering researches will

execute the project.
The supervisor deals with all
sides of the project to prepare
the engineering plans to roof
and expand the Holy Shrine to
receipt millions of visitors. The
design has been prepared, and
executing the project will begin.
The designer thought that two
projects are important to serve
the Holy Shrine and both of them
will overlap

Hussein Revivalism

Religion Tourism

hose who have visited Najaf

will remember vividly that to
the north and east of the town
there are acres of graves and myriads of domes of various colours
and at various stages of disrepair.
Whoever goes to Najaf will follow
a road that approaches the town
by a winding course through
this vast cemetery. The Prophet
Abraham had come to this place
along with Isaac and Abraham>s
prediction and his desire to buy
the Valley of Peace
The valley that Abraham wanted
to buy is called the Valley of Peace
(Wadiu>s-Salaam), and it is related
on the authority of the fourth
Imam, that Ali once said that this
ValIey of Peace is part of Heaven
and that there is not a single one
of the believers in the world,
whether he dies in the east or
west, but his soul will come to this
Paradise to rest. As there is nothing hidden in this world from my
eyes, Ali went on to say, I see


Hussein Revivalism

Ali at Najaf, is breathtaking. There

is one large central dome which
stands out of a square-shaped ornate structure at the two sides of
which are two minarets. The predominant colour of the exterior is
gold, bright shining gold and the
entire exterior of the mausoleum
is inlaid with a mosaic pattern of
light powder blue, white marble,
gold again with an occasional
splash of Middle East
Countless number of people from
all over the world flock to his
tomb day after day to pay their
respects and to offer salutations
and to pray to Allah seeking his
intercession. And those who cannot afford to go there personally,
are constantly praying to Allah
to help them to visit the shrine
of their imam Ali(pace be upon
him), and when somebody goes
on a pilgrimage to Najaf, they request him to offer salutations on
their behalf, and to pray to God
The Mausoleum
The Mausoleum itself of imam - for some particular favors.

all the believers seated - here in

groups and talking with one another.
How Najaf was given its name is
explained in the tradition. At first
there was a mountain there, and
when one of the sons of Noah refused to enter the Ark, he said that
he would sit on this mountain until he would see where the water
would come. A revelation came
therefore to the mountain, Do
you undertake to protect this son
of mine from punishment? And
all at once the mountain fell. to
pieces and the son of Noah was
drowned. In place of the mountain a large river appeared, but after a few years the river dried up,
and the place was called Nay-Jaff,
meaning, the dried river.
And so as per the prediction of
Abraham, Imam Ali was buried

Religion Tourism

Hussein Revivalism


Hussein Revivalism

Spring of martyrdom international

and cultural festival has established
in occasion of Imam Hussein and
his brother Abbas (pbut) birth. It
establishs to reflect the principles
of great revolution and blessed
revivalism and its moral lessons.
The age of fesival is four years.
It is distinguish festival because
the participating were important
personalities. They are
outside and inside the country.
In spite of the security case, which
took place in Iraq Country but the
participating were from six various
countries in the first two years
and that is referring to successful
festival through the difficult
In the last year, Holy Karbala had
received deputation from fourteen
countries were from (Europe,
Asia, Africa and South America)


and we hope the participations

be more than the last years and
under the supervision of two holy
shrine's administration
The festival did not get good
media covering and this matter
is one of the important matters
because it reflects Imam Hussein
(pbuh) culturel that it won't decay
through time. So, it must convey
this revivale through watching
and audience sets .
Finally, we ask Almighty Allah lead
us to the right direction to be our
work for Allah and accept us to
be honesty servants for our Imam
Al-Hussein Bin Ali (pbut).

Hussein Revivalism


commanded us with every
action that is good for us and
prohibited us from performing
every action that is bad for us.
Allah Al-mighty orders the Muslim
woman to wear the Hijab(1)
when she steps out of the security
of her home or when in the
presence of strange men. So wear
the Hijab is a source of great good
for you the Muslim woman - for
many reasons. Among them:
You please Allah. You are
obeying the commands of your
Lord when you wear the Hijab
and you can expect great rewards
in return.
It is Allahs protection of your
natural beauty. You are too
precious to be on display for
each man to see.
It is Allahs preservation of your


Hussein Revivalism

Allah purifies your heart and

mind through the Hijab.
Allah beautifies your inner and
outer countenance with Hijab.
Outwardly your Hijab reflects
innocence, purity, modesty,
shyness, serenity, contentment
and obedience to your Lord.
Inwardly you cultivate the same.
Allah defines your femininity
through the Hijab. You are
a woman who respects her
womanhood. Allah wants you to
be respected by others, and for
you to respect yourself.
Allah raises your dignity through
the Hijab. When a strange man
looks at you, he respects you
because he sees that you respect
Allah protects your honour 100%
through your Hijab. Men do not
gaze at you in a sensual way, they
do not approach you in a sensual

way, and neither do they speak

to you in a sensual way. Rather,
a man holds you in high esteem
and that is just by one glance at
Allah gives you nobility through
the Hijab. You are noble not
degraded because you are
covered not naked.
Allah demonstrates your equality
as a Muslim woman through the
Hijab. Your Lord bestows upon
you equal worth as your male
counterpart, and gives you a host
of beautiful rights and liberties.
You express your acceptance of
these unique rights by putting on
the Hijab.
independence through the Hijab.
You are stating clearly that you
are an obedient servant of the
Greatest Master. You will obey
no one else and follow no other

way. You are not a slave to any
man, nor a slave to any nation.
You are free and independent
from all man-made systems.
Allah gives you the freedom
of movement and expression
through the Hijab. You are able
to move about and communicate
without fear of harassment.
Your Hijab gives you a unique
Allah wants others to treat you
a Muslim woman - with kindness.
And the Hijab brings about the
best treatment of men towards
Allah wants your beauty to be
preserved and saved for just one
man to enjoy your husband.
Allah helps you to enjoy a
successful marriage through
wearing Hijab. Because you
reserve your beauty for one man
alone, your husbands love for

you increases, he cherishes you

more, he respects you more and
he honours you more. So your
Hijab contributes to a successful
and lasting marriage relationship.
Allah brings about peace and
stability in the society through
the Hijab! Yes this is true! Men do
not cause corruption by forming
illegal relationships because you
- the Muslim woman - calm their
passions. When a man looks at
you, he feels at ease, not tempted
to fornicate
So a Muslim woman in Hijab
is dignified, not dishonoured,
noble, not degraded, liberated,
not subjugated, purified, not
sullied, independent, not a slave,
protected, not exposed, respected,
not laughed at, confident, not
insecure, obedient, not a sinner, a
guarded pearl, not a prostitute
Dear women ! Come towards

the gates of Paradise with us!

Fulfil your duties towards Allah Almighty, put on your adornment
- put on your Hijab and race
towards Jannah (Paradise) by
doing all good actions. You should
agree by now that wearing Hijab
is extremely beneficial it must be
- because Allah only commands
what is good and believe me
dear sister, it is good to obey the
commands of your Lord
almighty Allah says
Their reward is with their Lord:
Gardens of Eden underneath
which rivers flow wherein they
will dwell for ever; Allah is pleased
with them, and they are pleased
with Him; this is (in store) for
whoever fears his Lord. [holy
Qur'an -Bayyinah 98:8]
---------------------------------------------------------1-Hijab: means covering woman's head and
all her body except face and feet

Hussein Revivalism


Woman of west
Hussein Revivalism


Do the woman of the West

have more rights than the
woman of Islam? Who has
always had rights? Who believes
in Equality and who believes in
First of all, we need to establish
when the issues of human
rights was raised in the western
society that we live in i.e. Britain.
Britain that is considered the
oldest democratic country, only
recognized equal rights for men
and woman at the beginning
of this century (20th). The West
sees these rights as a novelty in
their lives. However, the equality
of rights between men and
woman have been anticipated
14 centuries ago in Islam.
Is there a difference? Yes! Islam
says a woman and a man are not
identical in many respects, and the
world is not exactly alike for both
of them, and their natures and
dispersions were not intended

to be the same. This requires

that in many duties, rights and
punishments they should not
have an identical placing.
Unfortunately, this is not the
case in the Western culture that
surrounds us. The western world
is trying to create uniformity and
identicalness in Laws, regulations,
rights functions between men
and woman. As they do this,
they are ignoring the innate and
natural differences.
Islam strongly approves and
encourages equality, but does
not agree with identicalness,
uniformity and exact similarity. The
sadness in all this is that the many
rights that have been given to
woman by Islam have in practice
been ignored and should be
restored. Some Muslim woman
blindly follow and imitate the
ways of the West. Famous movie
stars, singers and MPs etc are
seen as role models encouraging

dress style and life style.

The biggest misfortune for
a Muslim woman or for any
woman attempting to acquire
identical rights as that of a man,
in my opinion, loose the right of
being who she is -A Woman yet not reaching an equal of a
man. She should have faith in
the rights suitable for herself and
not be encouraged by the West
to exceed them.
This way her status may be
considered equal or higher than
that of a man. She should take
as her models Khadija (prophet
Muhammad wife) who is First
person accept Islam. Fatemah
(pbuh) is a daughter of the
Prophet and brave life companion
of Imam Ali (pbuh) and Zainab
(pbuh). Zainab is a woman who
contrived the Karbala battle to
end, and proved that the blood
of the martyrs was not shed in


Hussein Revivalism


Hussein Revivalism


he historical, religious
and scientific facts prove
that fasting is necessary for
Fasting has been known and
practiced by the human for
centuries. The oldest historical
documents are carved in the
ancient temples of Egyptians.
They practiced fasting in
special days. even, Indians,
Brahmins and Buddhist had
traditions to practice it.
Their traditions that dealt with
fasting had been referred to
their own holy books.
Fasting has the ability to
arrange the job of digestive
system and renewal of
damaged tissues. So, fasting
is a golden chance for
most of human organs to
Professor Nikolaev Bylwi in
his book Hunger for Health
1976 show to advantage of
fasting to body of man says:
Everyone, especially the
population of big cities must
get fastinging and don't
eat for f 3 to 4 weeks each
year to enjoy the full health

throughout his life

Mac Vadon (health of
American Scientists) says:
Every human being
needs to fasting because
accumulation toxin in the
body of man would lead to
various illnesses. It makes him
sick, tired and less activity. If
he fasting, he will reduce
weight. He is able to regain
weight and renew cells in a
period of not more than 20
days after the breakfasting
The Alexis Karel Nobel
(laureate in medicine) in his
book The rights that the
unknown says:
The high abundance of
meals and the disruption of
the post have a great role in
the survival of animal species,
a function of adaptation to
the lack of food. Therefore,
people fasting throughout
the ages, and all religions do
not hesitated invite people
to be fastinging
Shelton in his study of fasting
in book (Le Jeune) shows the
merit of fasting.
Here are the most important

benefits of fasting:
1- Fasting is a rest to human
beings body.
2- Fasting stops the process of
absorption of the remaining
material in the intestine that
leads to the toxic waste.
In addition, it is the only
effective means of allowing
the expulsion of toxins
accumulated in the body.
3- Through fasting, the
capacity of organs to
elimination and unloading
poison. It reactivates and
improves functioning in the
purification of the body.
blood the stomach should
be empty. If it happened
that one of these parameters
is out of level, it would be
prove that there is something
Holy Qur'an in verse 183
Al-Baqara refer to fasting (O
You who have attained to
faith! Fasting is ordained for
you as it was ordained for
those before you, so that
you might remain conscious
of God)

Hussein Revivalism


French converted:

Hussein Revivalism



Hussein Revivalism




would like to present in this

short pamphlet: it is the
comparison between modern
knowledge and passages in the
Quran that are also referred to in
the Bible.
Water Circulation in nature
The verses dealing with the
earthly systems are a case in
point. I have quoted a large
number of them in my book, The
Bible, The Quran and Science,
and have paid special attention
to those that deal with the water
cycle in nature. This is a topic
which is well known today.
Consequently, the verses in the
Quran that refer to the water
cycle seem to express ideas that
are now totally self-evident. But if
we consider theQ ideas prevalent
at that time, they appear to
be based more on myth and
philosophical speculation than
on observed fact, even though
useful practical knowledge on
soil irrigation was current at that
Let us examine, for example, the
following verse in chapter azZumar:
Have you not seen that Allah
sent rain down from the sky
and caused it to penetrate the
ground and come forth as
springs, then He caused crops
of different colors to grow...
Such notions seem quite natural
to us today, but we should not
forget that, not so long ago, they
were not prevalent. It was not
until the sixteenth century, with
Bernard Palissy, that we gained
the first coherent description
of the water cycle. Prior to this,
people believed that the waters
of the oceans, under the effect


Hussein Revivalism

of winds, were thrust

towards the interior
of the continents.
They then returned
to the oceans via the
great abyss, which,
since Platos time was
called the Tartarus
.In the seventeenth
century, great thinkers
such as Descartes still
believed in this myth.
Even in the nineteenth
century there were still
those who believed in
Aristotles theory that
water was condensed
in cool mountain
caverns and formed
underground lakes
that fed springs. Today,
we know that it is the
infiltration of rain water
into the ground that is
responsible for this. If
one compares the facts
of modern hydrology
with the data found in
numerous verses of the
Quran on this subject,
one cannot fail to
notice the remarkable
degree of agreement




part: 1
between the two.
The Flood
There is a second
highly significant
subject of comparison
between the Bible
and the Quran;
descriptions of the
deluge. In actual fact,
the Biblical narration
is a fusion of two
descriptions in which
events are related
differently. The Bible
speaks of a universal
flood and places it
roughly 300 years
before Abraham.
According to what we
know of Abraham,
this would imply a
universal cataclysm
around the twentyfirst or twenty-second
century BC This story
would be untenable,
in view of presently
available historical
data. How can we
accept the idea that,
in the twenty-first
or twenty-second

century BC, all civilization was

wiped off the face of the earth
by a universal cataclysm, when
we know that this period
corresponds, for example,
to the one preceding the
Middle Kingdom in Egypt, at
roughly the date of the first
Intermediary period before the
eleventh dynasty? It is historically
unacceptable to maintain
that, at this time, humanity
was totally wiped out. None
of the preceding statements is
acceptable according to modern
knowledge. From this point
of view, we can measure the
enormous gap separating the
Bible from the Quran.
In contrast to the Bible, the
narration contained in the
Quran deals with a cataclysm
that is limited to Noahs people.
They were punished for their
sins, as were other ungodly
peoples. The Quran does not
fix the cataclysm in time. There
are absolutely no historical or
archaeological objections to the
narration in the Quran.
Age of the Earth
As for the Biblical genealogies
which form the basis of the
Jewish calendar and assert that
today the world is 5738 years
old, these are hardly admissible
either. Our solar system may
well be four and a quarter billion
years old, and the appearance
of human beings on earth, as
we know him today, may be
estimated in tens of thousands of
years, if not more. It is absolutely
essential, therefore, to note that
the Quran does not contain any
such indications as to the age
of the world, and that these are
specific to the Biblical text.


Hussein Revivalism


ne of
the most famous
phenomenons in our life is isthmus
and the real fact can be seen in the
water. The scholars confused when
they find the isthmus between the salt
water and fresh water and never mix
between them while the holy Qur'an
referred to it in sura Al-Furqan before
fourteen century the almighty, God
say (and he it is who has given freedom
of movement to the two great bodies
of water the one sweet and thirstallaying, and the other salty and bitter
- and yet has wrought between them a
barrier and a forbidding ban).

uge numbers of researchers

want to know the original
of the pyramids. After many
seeking, found the ambiguous
secret which puzzled them that
the pyramids are build from clay.
They considered its big scientific
discovered while the holy Quran
referred to this fact before about
1300year ago

Hussein Revivalism

French and American seekers

explain that the big stone which
used to build the pyramids are
clay. It boiled by high degree
of temperature while the holy
Quran explain the factual reality
to this secret which lead the
scholars and seekers to various
methods and present it in simple
way to give the world the clear

idea in sura Qassas in verse 38

(Well, then, O Haman, kindle me
a fire for [baking bricks of] clay,
and then build me a lofty tower,
that haply I may have a look at
the god of Moses). So, through
the holy Qur'an, Allah shows to
the human being the secrets in
the world and led us to the right


he first word from Allah to the

Prophet of mercy and blessings
of Allah is (read)! If we examine the
Qur'an, we find that science and
its derivatives have been reported
in more than five hundred verse.
This refers to interest of Islam to
A recent study has shown
(according to German magazine
Focus) by U.S. researchers, the
average life span was related to
the duration of his education in his
life. Holders of higher education
enjoy longer lives than of those
who die with in a short period
of learning. It is known that this

is a strong correlation between

the high standard of living and
increase of the average age.
Rich people have ability to enjoy
their life and maintain their health
better. It also provides them with
daily comfortable live.
It may be in response to those
atheists and skeptics who claim
that Islam is the reason for the
underdevelopment of the Muslims
today. These are the teachings of
Islam, which has produced bright
names such as (Al- Khuawarizmi)
who the West consider him

Islam is a religion of science

Islam has made science an
obligation on every Muslim (man
and woman) told that the Prophet
of mercy peace be upon him and
his progeny. Therefore, God, the
Almighty says: (God will exalt
by [many] degrees those of you
who have attained to faith and,
[above all,] such as have been
vouchsafed [true] knowledge: for
God is fully aware of all that you
Therefore, science is a means to
increase the life and encourage
people to live safely.

Hussein Revivalism



Renaissance of Al-hussaini



Renaissance of Al-hussaini


as a Christian
the Babylonian age, it was used
from the cities of
(1)The city is a ver y anc
say the date of the city comes
graveyard prior to
rates), and on its land there wa
(Tassoh al-Nahrain) which lies on
sses a various
an ancient temple.
s at the pre-Islam age and posse
e of the noblest
(2) Karbala is an Iraqi Isla
d a unique event that is truly on
and great histor y esp
e that was the battle of (Tuf).
epics of martyrdom and sacrific
the Capital Baghdad at 32.61N,
ssainiya) canal.
(3) Location: the city is locate
r and on the left side of the (Hu
rs the south side of
it lies on the edge of the
and north, Najaf province borde
Al-Anbar province
hdad border east side of the city
the water
the city. Babil
, and fair at fall; its lands take
which made
The city's weather is damp,
ny orchards , its has plain lands
rounding the city
from the canals of the Eu
ny fruit trees and palm trees sur
suitable for variou
an old
from all sides.
means (close to God) and it is of
(Kor Babil) which
(4) Etymology Some researche
Karbala is the Babylonian word
, Karbala, Aker babil,
Babylonian origin, som
towns are (Nainawa, Ghadiryia
means (old Babylo
s in Arabic the lands, which refu
grave to
Nawaweess and Heerr) which
d to drive the water to the holy
the water to enter it) when
did not harm the holy grave.
t syllable is (Karb)
destroy it, the water stopped and
o syllable Assyrian word ,the firs
The word Karbala'
es form the word (God 's sanctu
work and
meaning (sanctuar y) and (ala) me
d from the word (Karr) meaning
rived from
Other historians believe the
perhaps the name (Karbala) is de
ALich made it easy for
(bala) meaning higher.
for Karbala has plain lands, wh
the Arabic word
of fruit, and probably it was nam
different kinds of planting, the wo


after it.

Renaissance of Al-hussaini

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