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On page 694, Wolf points out the different female figures in literature and how if one were to

read these works one would imagine her a person of the utmost importance; very various;
heroic and mean; splendid and sordid; infinitely beautiful and hideous in the extreme; as great as
a man, some think even greater. I believe this very portrayal of women written by men, in a lot
of ways, are very similar to the way screenwriters, novelists, and artists portray women today.
Nathin Rabin, a film critic, defines for us the modern version of this description by coining the
term Manic Pixie Dream Girl, that bubbly, shallow cinematic creature that exists solely in the
fevered imaginations of sensitive writer-directors to teach broodingly soulful young men to
embrace life and its infinite mysteries and adventures. Common examples are Zooey Deschanel
in 500 Days of Summer and Daisy in the Great Gatsby. Men have been putting women on
this impossible pedestal for generations but in doing so, it is equally as harmful. The Manic
Pixie Dream Girl is cool, beautiful, effervescent, spontaneous, and witty (in a way that is to be
observed, of course, not the one doing the observing). Her importance lies in how important she
makes her male counterpart feel. She is sweet enough where she can still play savior to the man
by helping him self-actualize, yet sordid enough to make her male counterpart on the edge of his
seat. Her appeal in at the end of the day lies in her beauty and emotions rather than her substance
and intellect. Even worse, a womans intellect is only worth paying attention to on the condition
that she is beautiful, cool, spontaneous, not overbearing and as Woolf would put it better than
the man. Wolf expresses her frustration by stating that most common women, who might not be
able to indulge men in every single one of their fantasies, do not have the space in which they are
represented. Alternatively, my frustration is that women have yet to be represented autonomous
and heroic, free-spirited, and amazing in media without the attention of the male as the sole
channel of validation.

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