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How to Join:You must attend and

complete the New Members Class.
Must be open to practicing the
Christian faith even though it's a nondemonational church. You need to also
pay your tithes and offering along
with your First Fruits of the year
Conventions: Depending on the
setting, formal and informal language
will be taken into place. During
spiritual moments, the language of
"Tongues" will also be taken into
Genres: Emails, Text messages,
Sermons, Notes, Letters, Different
versions of the bible
Topic: Sermons, Messages from the
bible, bible study, community service,
upcoming events

Hampton University
How to join: You must acquire a certain
GPA and test score to be admitted into
the university. Choose the school that is
best suited for your major i.e. School of
Education and Human Health
Development. You will also need to a
write a passage on a given topic. Last
but not least you will need
reccommendations from teachers and
people who you've worked under.
Conventions: Formal language and
Informal but most appropriate language,
and correct punctuation and grammar.
Genres: Essays, Reports, Letters, Notes,
Resumes, and etc.
Topic: Current Events, Community
Events, School (academically and

Track Team
How to join: Must obtain a certain
Kylie McMillan
GPA, follow the student code of
conduct, team guidelines and any
other rules to maintain eligibility. Meet
the performance standards
Conventions: Not necessarily formal
but respectful depending on the type
of setting i.e. Banquet. Informal
language (communication wise) and
special language for workouts,
teammates and drills.
Genres: Text messages, letters,
statistics papers
Topic: Practices, meetings, Track
meets, community service,
academics, progression throughout
the season
language and formal language
depending on the setting
Genres: Letters, Essays, fyers, emails,
notes, public announcements
Topic: Community Events, Community
Service, special events, and Academics

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