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Ali Ikram

English 12

Vocabulary lesson 2
1. I never encountered racial antipathy till I went to college.
2. The children were so bad that they did the antithesis of what the Parents
originally told them to do.
3. The man was very badinage with the children at the birthday party.
4. The girl thought her dress was one of a kind but it was really banal.
5. People thought the newly listed house was baroque, and were suspicious.
6. On Christmas I love seeing the baubles on the tree.
7. The neighbors called the police because of the bedlam they heard from the
house next door.
8. A story full of beguile should not be told to any children in school.
9. The students knew it would be a rough year when they were besieged with
work on the first day.
10.Alexandra besmirched Amys Prom dress to get revenge.
11.The bestial dog had bitten the boy in the forest.
12.Alex was in anger management because of his bilious attitude.
13.Megan poured bleach in the washing machine to blanch the clothes.
14.The new tacos at Taco bell are very bland with no flavor.
15.The travel brochure was filled with blandishment.

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