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DATE : 10-22-2015

Athlete complains of upper pain of the medial aspect of the hamstring
muscles. The athlete was doing 400 meter runs with the team for practice,
they had to complete 8. On his third run he tried to get in front of another
athlete and step inside the track. He said he felt a pop and it felt like
something was holding him back. He has never had this problem before.
Level of pain once it happened was an 8/10. Throughout the day the pain
went away but with certain movements pain was about a 4/10.
Athlete had pain with RROM, PROM. Athlete had no pain with AROM.
There was no radiation of pain with palpation of hamstring muscles. There
were no palpable defects, swelling, or bruising. Pain was directed in one
location; point tenderness over the superior aspect of the muscle belly.
Mild Hamstring Strain.
Athlete will do ultrasound, pulsed. Then the athlete will do Gameready,
stem, and supervised therapeutic exercises. Will reevaluate on Monday.
Jabari Adkins, Student AT

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