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Cornell Notes


Name: Taylor Nisenoff


Class/Period: Period 5
Date: 10/12/15-10/16/15

Essential Question: How can we investigate the structure and function of biomolecules and the role they play in life?


What are biomolecules?

Biomolecules are molecules that deal with life, and/or create life.

How is

Biochemistry is the basis of life and without it, there would be no

life. It is the molecules that are put together to create life and the
things necessary for life.

What is the
Of biomolecules?

Biomolecules are made up of bases and acids that are the basis of

How does this

Play out in terms
Of life?

Adhesion, cohesion, and hydrogen bonding define how life is going

to come about because they all impact molecules and how the
molecules function.

How can we
Investigate the
Function of them?

We can study how biomolecules impact life and then work in

reverse from there to study what significance there is to that and
how it does so.

Summary: Biomolecules are the basis of life due to the idea that these molecules create life and outline it. Without
biochemistry, there would be no life because biomolecules either make up necessities of life or life in general. To investigate
how biomolecules functions, we could work in reverse by studying the impact of biomolecules and then try to discover how
they cause these impacts.




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