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Berny Pivot- One of history's best journalists that could interview anything
1. How does the rotation of the earth affect you personally on a daily basis (please
explain in great detail)
2. Essentially life is just about living, but what does life mean to you
3. Are you ever afraid of the possibilities that all the satellites orbiting earth may fall
down on us
1. General Stuff upfront basic shit
2. Ice Breakers
3. Follow Up Questions
4. Food for thought
What is your favorite word= Grace
What is your least favorite word= Ass
What turns you on= Religion
What turns you off= Bad smells
What sound or noise do you love= Babies
What sound or noise do you hate= Taunting
What's your Fav curse word= Fuck
What other job would you do= Model
What other job would you not like to do= Garbage Man
If heaven exists what would you like to hear god say when you arrive at the pearly gates=
What is your favorite word= fortaleza
What is your least favorite word= snuff
What turns you on= cars
What turns you off= bad laughs
What sound or noise do you love= Good guitar blues
What sound or noise do you hate= screech from a mic
What's your Fav curse word= Shit
What other job would you do= Professional surfer
What other job would you not like to do= Garbage man
If heaven exists what would you like to hear god say when you arrive at the pearly gates=
Drinks are included

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