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= (Charnbras ‘Tatiana Chambrasi English 101 #1418 Prof. Of lupspo1s Gonder Inequality in The Media Going beck centuries women have always been treated difcrenty tha men. For some ways fk down upon, Aste eoresed women have risen up ad the : ae oe then women have bekn treated better and have much more ights. Sul today there is some gender inequality when it comes to the media. The media for arce of information. The way the media portrays women in society is very p to this standard which is not right forthe female population. ¢ media mainly focuses on females instead ofthe men. Ifyou pay attention thee is not muc should look or what they should wear, Although media covers ot male and female, Ido believe there isa big difference on how much the media advertise ab female population instead ofthe net As we read Icha f alled “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Stetson, I noticed thé worfien jle was not taken seriously. She was looked as ifthe lt. This woman's husband and also doctor tells her “If [don’t pick up ‘whole situation was he faster he shall send me to Weir Mitchell in the fll” (Stetson pg 650). Tn this article this woman is “sick and her husband is her doctor, Throughout the article the husband does not take et sil seriously. He makes itscem like it's her fault she is like this and expects her to get better on h (Chambrasi 3 classraceand gender, which have been connected with the venerable “double standard” of sexual behavior. This gender differentiation has often linked female purity to make honor as the primary guarantee of patrimony, while until the late nineteenth century, 0 were catalogued 8s the property of fathers and husbands” (Mankuller pg 1). This mentions how 19th century women were looked as property. Women weren't even considera person back then to make their ‘own choices. There has always been a double standard seems like when it make to women and men. As it goes on it also says “Among Wester binary c tegorization of womet primary one 3s. The re has been between beauty and ugli ‘rend toward reshaping bodies according to an ‘mage of “perfection” and not only reinforces the “beauty/ugliness” duality but also poses special {heat to physically challenged women and tall women who choose to retain their natural sopearance”(Mankiller 3). This explains how women rth main focus on how a pero shoul look. This section explains even ong ago women haven't had fitowards men, seems ike women have always hai litle mre dificult for themselves No matter how fr you look back thre ha always been some ot gende inequaliy. Women have always had it much harder than men. For some reason om = ve some always been SFMT above women. As shown the articles we read in class women were not taken seriously or reated {gif Men have somehow had this hierarchy above women when it came to making ons. As time has went on the inequality has suppressed and women have gotten more ights/BOE still in today's society media has pig gender inequality. Women are much more talked gender inequality inthe media and itis not always inghe-bes}-way-With the media causing also brings problems forthe fe population. These problems can be health issues, depression, and worst it can cause death As research showedthe media has been covering alot for young female girls. The media alk has b bout how female girl should look and dress, This artile called “Children, Adolescents, and the Media: Seven Key Issues" talks about ser problems there is forthe — IE: One main thing this article points out is “The media play crucial role in the formation of Ps play body setim se and may be responsible for ereating unrealistic expectations and body ction, particularly among young girls (Children pg 2). This article mentions how the media plays abi role in creating an image for female, This article talks about how it shapes a but does not vention anything really about a male's self-image. As this ele goes on it says “A natural field experiment in Fiji revealed that the prevalence of isorders increased dramatically after the introduction of American television programs, which ters” (Children pg 3). There has been typically show excessively thin female lead char experiments to show how the media affects a female's life, Premedie-and-how-they facus on jostthe female population causes health problems for defi As Rachel Nowak talks about in ‘When Looks Cen Kill” she mentions “In particular, people who go under the knife in the for a more attractive body or face are more likely than the average person tobe suffering from psychiatric problems. There is mounting evidence that those who choose to undergo cosmetic surgery are more likely to commit suicide” (Nowak pg 1), Rachel talks about cosmetic surgery and how going through this is worse for a person. This shows how the media affects female population and gives them these ideas how they should look. Knowing these “ideas” they will 0 to any lengths to change that about themselves. Going to these lengths can cause even more problems like death, The media needs to notice singling out women is eausing women many Chambrasi $ not to single out just females, it might bea litle better when it is has noticed the media and what it is ‘Our bodies, Our Daughters" by Jill S. im kids, She wrote this article called ks about her experience on the media and the effects on females. She states raising daughters is a big responsibility, and perhaps because Lam the as a psychotherapist for young women, I can both stay objective and fe urning point. Buming because despite the feminist gains 20th century, girls danger of having their wings singed as they navigate their way to womanhood ‘woman has dealt with women and noticed how they arebbing changed womanhood. A mother who has sons and deals with woman on daly basis media affect them, As this woman goes: en are more in danger for having the how “The media is a primary factor in the development and maintenance of women’s probiGiis1t isnot simply the “patriarchal establishment” that is manipulating our snags” (Zimmerman pg 2). Zimmerman talks about how the media is main source for row up. As she goes on to talk about how it affects them she how they docided t ‘once. She believes women ar affected so much more than the men since a female population. She also believes foy emia eis not eniy the imagestr will ner causes will come along with it for them. Once the media shift their focus off| (One major problem is the media and the way they choose to focus on women. By the media focusing on women makes it sem the Female population is wrong. They make it seem cic ways, The media has establish tosen to pick women and make them the thatthe hey should look. The media does not just pick on women, men men also but there is a * cover one over the othe. They shift towards female mast of the cx 2s equality. The media daes not seem to ever focus on men and wld te media has always caused problems for women when it ame theit 2 his is for women to slop listening tothe media and start noticing cto redirect their focus to the advertisements that cove all ypes of ic kind. Another solution is for the media to fix their own ways of off women and start talking about is to shift thei foc as on out. Th se saying how someone should look. I isnot far for women to be ‘sin way when there is also men, The media should just overall es told to look a way in general and just cover all types of men/women. Media ners ing t00 look ender the main topic, the right way to go is talk about both snder inequality in clusion no matter how far you go back there has aways been g 9th century the inequality was shown by the way some way eavaen sbroug medi. Th dna tty Syomen have always seemed to be below men and never really ssid ights and started to speak up for anything about it. But as time goes women hus‘gotten more themselves. As the media chooses o cover worsen over men in today’s society women have why must they be focus on topies when men are also 2 tobe picked on sree they should be equal to men. Gender ora ver sit has gotten better. Solutions for pe ard to come by but & years go on thefe will comé a day where © looked as the same in media worl, ¢

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