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Kelzy Brimhall

1.) I am mildly aware of the religious diversity around me. I however do not tend to
think about it often. This class made me more aware of the cultures flourishing around
myself in my community.
2.) Honestly diversity to me means just different. The differences represnted in diversity
does not necessarily mean good or bad, just a little different. It also means to me that
there should be understanding and tolerance for everyone because no one is exactly the
same. Pluralism to means that there is just more than one. It may play into my diversity
definition. It seems to me they can go hand in hand.
3.) I do not specifically believe that America is a Christian nation. I believe that
Christianity has helped shape our nation but I believe that all belief system have
contributed as whole more than Christianity.
4.) . All belief systems had to fight to have a voice among the crowd. This diversity I
believe gives our nation a reason to be a refuge for those who are looking for religious
independence. Diversity can also lead to more ideas and innovation.
5.) Diversity can become a disadvantage when no one is willing to listen and not object.
When everyone has a different opinion and does not care about another's it can turn into a
hostile environment or even oppression of one specific person or group.
6.)I think that it has taken along time for us to manage our diversity. It can be hard to
swallow when someone does not agree with you and your belief system. I also think that
as a nation we have more to work on. I do believe that we are going in the right direction
for a more accepting and less judgmental nation. I also think that more people are
becoming more welcome to the idea that not everyone is the same and that it is okay, as
long as we respect each other we can keep moving forward.

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