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Rosa Rodarte

Bryant Le
Cindy Ortiz
English 1A: An Annotated Bibliography
Pipher, Mary Bray. "What You Alone Can Say." Writing to Change the World. New York:
Riverhead, 2006. 45-51. Print.
In this chapter Pipher talks about the importance of individuality and having our own voice. She
draws back on her own experiences of having difficulty of having her own opinions in her
writing. Pipher tells us that by having our own voice and expressing our opinions, we can create
some type of change in the world. She introducing the writing exercise, freewriting, which helps
the writer with clearing their thoughts and create a better working flow in our writing. Another
exercise was to answer certain questions that can help us understand more about ourselves.

Goldberg, Natalie. "We Are Not the Poem." Writing down the Bones. Boston, MA:
Shambhala, 2010. N. pag. Print.
In this chapter, Natalie Goldberg expresses her feelings about poems. Her emphasis the fact that
the poem shouldn't define us but only illustrate the moment we were experiencing at that time.
Writing helps to relive us of the present emotions that most likely will not be there every time we
read them to our audience. She elaborates with the importance of continuing to create poems
instead of getting "stuck" in them, don't let that specific emotion define you. It is important to let
the poem go through you, and for you to continue to experience, for you to be fluid.

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