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Tuttle 1

Nicholas J. Tuttle
Deby Jizi
UWRT 1103
22 September, 2015
Your Younger Self Experience

In this picture I was about 4 years old and it was the first time I had a pool at the house. It
was the summer of 2002 I believe and I was super excited. My little brother was still too small to
get in the pool so I still felt like the only child. I slightly remember the old Mercedes in the
background that my uncle sold to my parents. Life was so simple and great back then, I had tons
of pictures of me overly happy but this was my favorite. I dont think I actually swam in the pool
because the water was super cold out of the hose. I believe this was the summer before
kindergarten because I still has longish hair. The child you see was jovial and rambunctious,
almost the opposite of how I am today at times. I was a handsome little boy and my parents
always joke that the hospital gave them the wrong child, because I was too great to have come
from them. I was easily stimulated unlike my unreactive state now. I used to beg my parents to
fill that pool up all the time whether I actually wanted to swim or not, I was spoiled but happy so
they willing did it. They loved seeing me have fun. I remember my best friend who lived across
the street would always come over, he even goes to UNCC with me now. Hes still one of my
closest friends.

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