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Here we are again for of third lessons of business english and in this lesson we

go to learn how about the company is organizes and how is devided in the
department and what the responsibility of each department are, fo example the
production department is responsible for producing and **** or sending to goods.
But first Anne episode and this episode Anne and Gery are working together.
Garry has **** other asking will be interesting come to be new cooking guide.
Anne and with him taking it lets go and lesson.

Anne : Good Morning
Gary : So, are you ready?
Anne : Yes, quite ready.
Garry : Okay then, lets begin. Hello, my name is Gary Renolds rom Plgrim
May I speak t Mr. Jones? Oh... Mrs. Jones? How are you? And how is that
wonderful apple
Pieo yours? Im fine, thanks. Certainly, Ill hold. With a wink and a nudge,
you can get
whatever you want.. even.. an imaginary apple pie... this authors is too
important for us.
Anne : Right.
Gary : Hello, Mr. Jones, how are you? Im fine, thank you. I wanted to know if you
interested in
In ontrbuting to a new cooking gude that we have to bring out soon. Yes,
its a six-volume
Collection of recipes to fit the needs of all taste, with a detailed photo
guide for preparation
And cookng thecniques. Ah, and e have to have the materials by the end
of next month.
Right, exactly.
Gary : sure. Of course. Yes, excuse me, could you hold on for a moment? Anne,
thats enough...
Stop now,I cant concentrate!
Anne : oh yes! Sorry, sorry Gary, Sorry!

Gary : yes so, as I said earlier, i you accept, I can send you a copy of the
contract that you should
Sign and return. No, no, Im sorry. We cant wait until next Tuesday. Well,
Ill have to check
With my boss. I need to ask Mr. Stevens if we can organize a meeting for
next week. In the
Meantime, do you need any prep materials? No, no problem at all. I can
send you an mail
Immadiately. Okay goodbye, it was a pleasure speaking to you.

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