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Marino 1

Gabriella Marino
Professor Ogbara
English 101
1 November 2015
Research Essay Proposal
Gender inequality has been an on-going problem for a very long time. When
comparing to past centuries, many would say that the need for feminism is no longer
necessary due to the progress in womens rights. The inequality between genders is
unfortunately still existent. I chose to study, research, and discuss this topic because I can
relate to it easily and also I see this specific problem multiple times in my everyday life.
The purpose of this study is to answer the question, why are women poorly portrayed,
bashed, and degraded in the media and specifically social media? In the media, women
are commonly discussed as objects and the focus is always on the appearance of the
women. Not only do men receive more coverage in the media but they also are portrayed
more as assets pertaining to whatever title they have. Not only is the gender bias existent
in America but around the world as well. This prime example of women being mistreated
displays the double standard that is very much relevant today due to the continuation of
inequality in our society that many deny. Of course, where we stand with gender
inequality now is more progressive than the fictional examples that Virginia Woolf and
Charlotte Perkins Gilman created in their stories. But Shakespeares Sister and The
Yellow Wallpaper served a purpose than but an even more significant purpose now, and
that purpose is to realize the unjust treatment of women compared to men. Not just to

discover how far womens rights have come but how much more we can achieve in
gender equality with feminism in the picture. In conclusion, the media needs to change its
ways and portray women the same as men are portrayed because not only can it
negatively affect the people being covered but also the audience as well. It will only
benefit rather than hurt its audience once the media switches its perspective to a more
gender equal point of view. Feminism will always be necessary, with out feminism,
gender inequality will be restricted from progressing and gender equality will eventually
cease to exist.

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