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ST. THOMAS AQUINAS 1274-1974 COMMEMORATIVE STUDIES Ww PONTIFICAL INSTITUTE OF MEDIAEVAL STUDIES AVE MARIA UNIVERSITY ‘QUASI DEFINITIO SUBSTANTIAE Etienne Giton “THE orci of his sy is the sprite fl, ome wey yar ag, nko sumed upon rather abet statement inthe dpa ‘uention De potenti, qa 3, a8 4 “Ene per se non et defines ‘Htatae, we Avictnoa dc.” AL tha tine hough well advanced a Sear Tit confers tht ake fora definition f satan, my at yer toald probly have ben that sstance ten pore and tha a ‘ent rent per liad o aio. A second ease of sare was that, finding n'y edtlon of the De potenias reference to Avicea's ‘Metaphysics, book 3, Talled ofa there the text under dsussion Uni 1 am mistaken, the eernce not correc: but the main feasen| fer my flare to id the words "Eas per Se nom est Stilo ssa. "ie" wan that, ara mater of nt, Avicenna probably ever Wte them ving bece imbued during hy schol ears with respect for exact quotations, I peste fr long tine in my efforts to fnd these ena ‘tors somewhere in Avicenna, My repented flrs made me imagine {hat peraps I ha! misunderstood the eviows meaning of the Pernape'iEn pe se non et definio nobetante, wt Aveo meant something like! "ar Avicenna sayy ii” But 1 could hardly teiieve this for Thomas probably would have expresed this vith a ern rae ta tan aon al ld nd in Ae nuncation at sake whether atthe object ofan affiemation of epson Hope revved in my heat when 1 became aware ofthe exten of the ivaiable-memrie fC. Vansenkite on the. quotations of ‘Avicenna inthe wring of Thomas Aquinas T hasten st once feok for the eerene to De potenti, 73 44, and. of course, the te dha Se ies ces ah Se fae ‘Fm ae Behe es ee a Pa ves there, duly atin ts proper pace on p. 88.29: but I ealzee ‘once tha the suthor bad net commited ei to ging elereces to the corresponding panmager in the writings of Avicenra. Slightly tleapponted. | simply soncioded that to identify the precise Asien ‘hat Sours ofthe 46 references lito by hi ip hie meme Rad ‘Bored wo. Vansceniste s tanklen esk an after all, having done fo mach fra, he wa ul juste leaving I 45 odo te et So Taceped my int: never ohrow exactly where Avicen had sid "Ens perso no eat defini sbstantne™ Tn 19th, a I ane preparing a memoir for the Rome-Floence ‘congress onthe Inflence of Islamic clare o he Latin Male Ages {found myselconoored withthe problem of he overall nse | ‘Avicenna It became neceary fof me To weniy a lent sme of ‘Thomar"Avicnnian quotations and only then did [reali that ‘Thoma’ iden of quotation as vey fleent om cur own. By the ‘ime token the diceion shown by C. Varteeist speared wll Jmined in’ my own saht Of courte ha long en known thal “Thomas was very re In his qusaton, bt he cout be arety corect when corecnes was fue. Inthe cise of Avicenna’s Latin rane Taon he was at grips wih partici sot of Lata so obscare tha the average reader mold ave ove purzel by Ie For tht rasa. tk eldoepouuble to God is Thomas Aguigs Mera quotation of [Aviceans. The text doaly i quoted ed serum. Sil he egal 8 vay resgnzable snd it canbe found. provided one accepts place what involved syria hat become under the kara pithy en of Thomas Agung ‘Sine all ur ow eerances will be tothe txt of Avicenna that me think Thomas had in ind, scems tdvable to beg by reprogcing Him fal Already in Avion, wl sl be the case wh Several ets ‘of Thoma Aquinas he prob f how correct to define sabtance ineoduce bys more cl theological probler: Does the mame sub Stance" cortety apply to Go? Tn ther wore, righ 0 sy that Gad is @ substance? After apwering the question nthe rep, ‘Asien poco 10 tennen suai "goin st en [esse In suber. qe 2c at me aA Mat a a ee ‘am uo diced non int vai gun fins SCUBA Bar eg tien Sen ES ceo te ot in cara i ‘Snail eit nto moo,‘ i gent ee Sone ice de ana tia eae Neat is ‘ial ted Sap a ae ge es SS Spee Na ct nnn pede cc Seaton tee at Gavan ine ask Sem ee cin x en einai ‘iSite el psa, {cai ct qu ete equ deo quo ot oom sect, nea, ton sn ausecio™praediear de eae habe ip Sele qld seat ro, pa sor Wipes agar mim a pe a ei, rb [ttm good inter peed iene ond una cram i oman et SOD SS he nh te ci Sh Sierra me cee ‘eto itr sce qed aigvina hc ura de tea Asean be een at once thre in tx in wich “Avice yin "many words tht "being though tue? (ee per a0) ot the Sesion of ubtacs” it pt this oe. At the same tine, i cannot te dened that, nti tex, Avicenna plating exinng tat "Satine in subject. non ent itento substan’ oat oe int ‘bjs alert be not na subject) taken aan cquvsent fot So'be through fact the import ofthe two pasege the sane "Tos pari text scr p a ptr that Thomas Aquinas wll fol shrug the varios pages nlc the sume ee akea up in relation to ferent problems, but always wih freace othe hing a Avs Meuphyt Thoma can hae eta ‘Avice hime syn a much inthe text ofthe Metaphytics we ave Inaters of oe, and witout preting the pty of an nfuence ‘of exrtin toms of Aces Loge onthe Thome defiaion os. Sane, we shall eave to thers the task of exabsing Since, however the nton of sbsance one of the Arsen categories tb iposibl to daca even om the pot of ew of ‘ie Sctphpiin witout tesng i sind wht Inge ys abe Fr rm cng niferen 1 stn realty the ln f Ara sas fromthe primary ubranc, which ithe Sly actly xing ey. Kis characerini hati never present in sje” Cet Vb esate subtae® signin tht whith ndWiua Wk 4 bubsting uni and, bythe sume tke, what the Scholae wil call an ‘ens non halo As compared with specs a genera were called by ‘rie “eodary sane” Sister k's pinay mts, i ‘pedes “nan and hin gen “trina ar econary nbsunce They fe ot presenta Sores (manhood i open Seca no imal, but they are pressed of him Its y ting pees nd {cnr that we corety tine india btn, bat tey she Shes ae ot substance inthe fll meaning ofthe term tey ly 0 Substances to the exten thi they re peddle of Tn the ode of pectin every gen enept susan, i species with espe to «higher one, every spect gen mh repeat 08 iweb beams! eit he once aban ta 1 Op ip 10, Mee 4 IE sige gegen pnt, in the onde of log prediction, the novon of mince the det ya gps ana ta Sora cama tia ee ‘Sree, the ably iver saance tat be Sach As SS oeirsgemrs spe cpanaratitiames tes taare ig etad nveiatuncnncta movie tat ct spicier cuenta Sirsa ai amstaniaetas ieee ice comes oe ope pe lelereeiched Hiner arent gaa rienees 2 eer eee ey pt an noe siecaieaedmes neces rt Eraeecutt ie ices mee Sepa gina oad me eerbn a Aveena i" With he commentary sm Pee eaten ee he Inporanes oh rin and ie | echaealy usiied annwes, sem a Mens SB aaa ot 1. Goo 4 Sunstce? since, scoring Sant Ansel, Goal that whichis eter th no to 66 'God han andi ll he peetion of wut ‘Sutbut he gusion oom wher the ame "sobatane” tng si of : : "Estlpentap ofthe commentary onthe Sentenes goes sight 12 then ofthe ea, See Tew) The seme ego tom 3 ‘Reni accepted dion of substance being that which ot seni at ns Sig thgh act To view of what oo i {he dnc of ete ei et foe aon hat, nthe Lexmineosy [r Thmancnon en sbject” or “ese non i sujet and est ec son equate extn, Sine teretre, ee Bf Beate wb ta sas and to be vou hms be seems 0 ‘gn the amas sane ‘Tas answers that this ts Desi, acon o Avie ands “tht which fen ote” are no the dt fsb ice" Assmlg tbe equvalence fot to be ma subje” and 10 Be eS furan Aviceana and Toomas serv that “ein iso gem ‘hereon oyna oan Srp ne of ei. Mat a herp pon ong. Asc mpc be agent Fn us snr at Acorn oe Susie ort tbe pitwopir abd the holga, gm) ‘ue fi scars tthe Moma mind. Thoms hos oie quoted Rectan vo tha ffl, but te problem i fa fom simple for ‘Mreay imps the ay Thomas wualy quotes Avion Tiny su gqucton; he sence iacomplt, nd tb noteworthy thurs oven the case 9 conateny saggestie of some fo {Caton onthe prt of Toss Th comple Avena forma sy “Sueno ip quot omy oe otc tla sa ae sa pecnantar aang prina pression, que ton aqui &x lis weit sear OF thse tre ter Thomas hab eves ot TRDGhia comely necese To fad an eaplanon tr fs apparent ‘Mecmat omison i eny, Bf id the good one nt, Ove ele ‘Bip to tn tate loin necese#fuch of Most fas, ee Pec nop a sed Se tut that would e to inl in ear commen, fr indeed being sch isto less nosuty fn Sif to Thomas goin than ito ‘Avicenna. Yet for Avicetna, the proper qaliaton of te Prime Ialep b neete ee The God o¢ Tomas Aguas to tb Nestty ety bur einer teenie he pure Eat no converse} 80 et ‘rspynote the fact tha te wun orl employe by Thomas ‘Roun i'm simplified one “Ens et ive quod primo cad la ‘Sfntone human ot_Avicnna det." Pomum faders im pretentone neha eens st Aicena dc ater good Primo inet concipt uss ntisimum, et in quo omnes con ioe ent, et em ot Avicenna dict i pnipe Metpysene "We soul nt look fr sere intetons neath ll the variations of dangange sie tat of Tomar Aquat ay be ict thar ft qutto ofthe Avena foro rai he ese to the auc tosh of is predeesor: em autem et ect sent {tse pro in inlet conta t cet Avicenna in Meteo ‘S20 neon of earn canal ass ie, res Page of Avicona’s Mewphole eins give Wis presse SSSR asta cmenaiesnmens ‘fam ag nd onto nui Unauaegs enim rs ber er See eee ‘rey pan pm: aimeity den ening stoi eee oie ee i copes Serta aes An Ns dane pe fh comes enh re, Toms spin sir cubomes asics: aitacte's Se a eee an der ise Sete Age on tain cca ae A ee eee oe ci oh ee eae See Sees Tha chides th sel inmmch aver tedevived fom ror eri od 12 settee cae nee pagar SS oe Aen een fe Fetes From this text one should remember he fist sentence, on which ll the rt depends secundum Avicenna. hoe nomen ens et rs i Fert secundum quod at do conigeree in sleet quidtatem t fatoncs us tee pats.” These words ree sf the ia sentence (F Avinna inthe ove quoted text intentions et inet ei Saginetue dune inentines" Thus far the. phase "secndom ‘Aviesonan™ i fly jt. es Immediately evden that ao ‘Gover the ering development “Et gulddtate ramitur hoe nomen fen Sonoma ets sumir ab ese ro.” Yet om lowe inapeton, ok seems tobe the meaning of heater part ofthe text. For Kays that bing (em) aed something gid) are wo fret wares for one Sapte ot Bat thing et) ov ay eget ter, iis something inf all language, for eey thy as an esence nvr of which ‘that which tn The Latin Avicenna calle te ertiudo ofthe hing, {word that ahs tansintors vocabulary Is synonymous with quay Summing ap bis development, Avicenna himself wil ay "Redeams leur et Seamus quod uongsnegue rs abet certitudines: propeam dsc ext js gids totum et quod ctu eajuogu rt gla ‘Rrpropan cies penter ose quod malivocam et cum alga So ‘Tata ous ot ateny Avicenna in making hu) that ns points ‘ur the este the thing wheres pols oa equ. Having thas ‘ard op ie ineation of Avion, Thomas wil never estate oa {buch the words which sm ap the dotin ach axe bite testy sadersoad In auch statements, however, Thomas rely ased the varius synonynssocrding to is own Deeds of te moment. For iace: ‘oe autem nest alguid afirmative dct aoe god omit eine ee ann gu ot iti Mea, uu cc de “The ley othe problem ofthe tv dfn of substance ad fits appa to Ged, thereore the celebrated distinction of eence nr ene infinite Wing, each and every coe of them finale a a8 ‘Sree tar bas. an ete Tris well Know thatthe dv comon {o'Awceona and to Thomas, though» dep difleence dstingu {hel respective conceptions of ee and of ft fltion to sence" Bat that ference Gos nora tee agreement onthe notion of sub Stace, whichis our present concer, row the int prt otis Lape, Avicenna sees the dation be wen the QUE of thing aod fa Atal being 4 cmeponding ‘onion of he nonon of sebatance neces flows rom a ovation. To define lean an ens pea nt pst ns ste gens af the cmon ané pee ss the dfercce But his sino Ens snot Agen Esher eG in nich case ei aboe eng sets pure ‘nts ne: or che ta bem ia which ese 8 a comme ‘lowed with sown ese "To ad tht the parclar being at sake fhrouph sl doesnot spcity a any definite being, since aly ‘Mast the merely negative condition of not being aber.” TO fine sebatance ata bing ha snot ina sje” acoringy Yo Sy ooiog "uch tbe argent of Avicenna 8 reported ty Thomas i Text Em non tn sure caoot be he finn of atanee bese, ines Sein og hat nul es etn wit x en Itposite, Now, “in every genus one mit ssf aera ui.” ‘me pects by wich nie to Ga, dosnt noe tase"? As “heng Sos ots is, Bet only the ato Being Bret ome,ocmay o t oe a (sed som acta erent argument doe 9 follow" not in| Subject ence Ws Inthe genus substance.” A cortect argument would SC any om hh tw ha tins ag ‘280 So Go sno sbatance in him there ino exence. or Giga, 6 ‘and under ud-tare,bstan) hss, The name bance” dos fou batt the pure actuality of os. "The whole pints perfectly sumed up by Thomas ia two tines of his commenry oo the Sentences! "tan ta in subjcto noe etait sutstnine. sed habere quate cai ale ee com peut “Thomas bas several tines restated his pon on the problem at stake A patticultly intersting ease Conra Geni, 25. 9 9.10 ecause the text Thomas closely eels the movenent of he responding passage in Aviosona. Aer establishing tat although ‘Seay reuse fo al he Primary Beings subtace, head that me ‘Sonotrefae eo atte fo hin stuart, boctue he being ‘To the "Pots autem agus cere quod host rlogiamus. ot Av eon chow he "Pott autem ale vder! Quod. of Thomas Agu fas eis the same movereat of stle and the cootet of the deve Topment isthe same Lets ly cca the reasoning of Thomas Aquinas 1 being is nt 4 gens, 2) 10 be a beng through tall en pore nepatin, 3) rb ‘ance toe gene ft mathe“ hing to whch Belong o beet 0 ‘i subject." 8) the name “thing” is derived from the quay, 2s the tame "beings desved fom “tobe 8) 30 substance shoul be dened 1S guddity to which Belongs tobe not inane. 6) 0 M0 way thes tere 8 gn ot nt ce ne unin pce a" cits ania tine fe Le a ap |e God inthe genus of siamo since he hat 0 guidiy save his eine "Evecyhing in this developments Avicenian in origin, One cannot find in tome enpesion to wich Aviunna coals nt see, fo he Simple reason tht everythings comer fom him. And yet the wo Sdocrnes Belong to diferent itlipble words, because Necete Ee tnd fm are ot identical Necese Ese eat ay 14m ad tm Necesaty Being, bat these dialectical equvnence bide from sight a ‘ep metaphysical diferene, which history te such i perhaps eon ten, int to porsie a lat to cone “Among theater poses of Thoms delay with he same problem, theres perhaps not one hat des at offer ome noteworthy deal the pasion femans uachange to the end. The text ofthe Suma ‘eoloiae sere in its concon The word non solu wally ‘emind the rede that what Thomas denise isnot tat sane i through el, his precise point sth to be Loup elt i ne fhe ‘inion of substance, unless, ase say elsewhere, tere words BE ‘ied ax an abridged formula aod for the sake of bre ‘Amos equally conse aed more technically complete the pasage ofthe dsputed question De potenti, 72.3) 38°, which ist called ‘ur tention to the problem, ‘tae nti tan te ted to ame tat dt it prtgt hice mp nb oD satne SEaon soul rn ss ows: tig We guy at neh i debe ott meting Aad ha he Seton of ‘ance wil nt bet Gow, sb Ban uty bess ve Ga, ‘Beer moc the gen sata eso all Sage 2. TragmunerANTATION a¥0 AccIBENT ‘There is po tease of Thomas Aquinas on mbstance Being & theologian, he dealt wth the soon when theologies! problem nae recesary for him 10 do so. To decide whether the bine “ibatance™ ove apples to God was such an occasion; another wat the fewest (0 define the ontological status of the eachriic wpecies “rnce the second seis of enrich the coretdefiton Sf sab stance i reswerted by the theologian, “The dificult to overcome wat pil visible. Among the many di feulies ansing rom the pomilty st tansahwantiation, = Pa Uoulny striking one wat te fact ta, afler the consecration all he "cide" of Broad and wine remain unchanged. AI thei qualities oto ute, eo, igure, quantity, and weight ae pesceled bythe sr tes st a they were bore the conseration It is bard (0 believe Thepfore tha the sbstance of the body of Chi i there, der those ‘Scene foreign co nature, and thatthe substances of bead 2b tine thenaelves have ceased to be prea “This provider the thelogan with an opportunity to approach the problem of te dtaiton of mbsance from the pot of lew o he Estntton of acident Of courte, the theologian doce at intend (0 ‘kei ener andertd uch ace, Nori tank ake ‘Sppeat le a neturl pou, bathe as to answer objections taken ‘fom the ery philosophical definition of acldets conceived in thei Featonbip to ubwance. Now, jst athe dition of substance ‘irony supposed the" beig that teough Wel” 50 that of ae ‘iene wasopy supposed tobe" teing that through another one” ‘Asarstole hs sidan aceldent to bets to be fn“ To suppose that afer the consecration of bead and wine, wbich converts her ub ance, her aecent tl sus, sto adm that accidents ca subst {though they themacnes ha become eubtanes But fa Thomas ewe rod *Neoposunt pr se mbuisre cam acients ese si ness For that and any oter reson, the teaching of Chis und the Church oncerning that teranen appears hard to accep "Fas at dined he ow ontion om the prove 2s carly as his lectures onthe fourth bok of he Somener of Peer Lombard There alm his statng poate he Avcenian definition of sbstance ae {Sent fom the etal oe. "As vicena prover in hi Meat,” be write “to abit troagh Het nt the dein of sabtance We ‘how ihe teuon: cat alleged dfinton does ae pot ou the quid ‘te thing, but Keene which, nite beng, not thelr quality. ‘Now, whee tte ao quid thre nothing that sublts,no sb ance” Subnet, lt keel api, ia thing having a gua {orbit ras tbe In fact and notin wometing le “Tis time, however, the nature ofthe problem prompa Thomas to extend the sonsequcce from the dfaton of substance to that of a ‘dont, Soe get om tose “And in ike aslo, fo Be i something tle ot the definition of accident, bat, onthe contrary, the definition fee thing to whch i due to be In somering ele” How doc thi help #9 remove the dificult? For this reaton, that since uch ete deintion es ul deetur ese fal) an ace ca ‘ot pomibly become something cle, namely» asttance. Te cannot Be ‘Spare fom ir dtnio, as weld be te ate i is dfntion were 5b io something clue for index, inthe case, subst in them tetver afer the consecraton, the former acedens of read and wine ‘ould Become many sbsances, which Is contradictory and therefore Inpossibe "Gn the contrary, ie neither contadlctory nor impossible that something fo whieh to bein someting en is due by reason of squid diye or etence, be exe bythe divine poner to subst wihout any {sbunce A subesing seclent something miaclos, which aly ‘God can case to happen ut spot msl sontadition ae would be ‘i ccien-hecome tatance, Ae St. Thoms writes, "To cae a 2c ‘Sacro te without substance tno io spurte the definition from he ‘fined’ "And. this iv rocsely what car-happen, supposing the Slipoweftines of Go he dentin of accident ona tobe in ater, “0 be something to which es atta subsist it iatect" he power of Go i roe withrempoct to nature but ca ‘ot achieve sifcontaicon eich of fa, x nothings “Tcology need ot go farther than to demonstrate the itiese oa impossity of mirc, especially Inthe ease ofthe Bucharit, which inthe grote of ail ‘The tery ame "ansabtaniation” shows bow great «miracle i 1c fenot merely the pang of some acidnt into ets Within one {tetunce It even more than the anmihilation of substance and {eplacemest Oy another ‘Transabwantiation isthe pusig ovet of 3 ‘bjet ito anther subject, what i cll a subvonial conversion. 13 {eh conversion, he suusnce of heist subject ce no peri The fobtance ofthe bead doesnot subst afte te eonseceatin; he at {erof tha sobtance Howie cases to cist. Since, however, something pris, tis cam nly e the accidents of bead and win. The ube [ance ofthe bread ten becomes the substance of the body of Cs Under the geet ofthe bend In Thoma en word the body of ‘Gira in ‘some way toques the place ofthe bread, with the Imeasremeats of the bead, nonsthels, mediating "= ie areca erence areca TW.68, 1 3 Perhaps though som Ta, 1 have not been ate na ‘shor pang ofthe Summa teoopiae atest that Thomas had nt aieced hiv pontioaat the Kime he wat weting Speaking of the ‘erament of the Eucharist, the theoloplan each” the. question ‘Whether in tha scrament the ecdents erst witout subject. The numer fn she affirmative despite the sais posoptical objection thatthe dfinion of hing cannot be separate om ha thing, ee rss" The second objection say tha santadctny that thing te Separated fom its definition or, (hich comes to te same thing) tht dfiton of one thing soul apply Yo anoshe. Form ‘Hance, even God canst eet thats man, while femaining ama, be Sn irsional animal" ‘Tat woud be Tor conradctones fo sss together atone and the same time, nace the defiation of hing Is inn he ting i Now ir of te definton of scident that be ha abject, js ot iso he detniton of abtance hat saute by sel, oto augec It cannot mireolowly happen, then, the sacrament ‘Fike Eucharist that acldene be without sec, "To this objection, Thomas makes he wm ual answer, that sine being i no ges, exe cannot be the sence of ler subsance o ‘hen So en nabjct ot the dition of acide “bat fst a ior the quiddity or exence of stance to nave bing tet 2 subject ba is of the quid rezone of aezient io have Sing na Sb Jest” Now, in th tsrament ofthe Eucharist not ave tothe 36 ‘ident tobe aot In a suet in vite oftheir own essence (which ‘woul be condita), but be no ina subject owing tothe divine Power that nataios them. "And so they donot cease to be acini oti the definition of acrsot ot seared frm them andthe ‘Seinion of brane does not apply to then,” So they donot bso Ssstanoe; they subst witht eating to be acide. 2 lat text woth mentioning is found in 5 Quasi quaibealis™ wtih proves est tat the question as of general theolgial Tere around the middle of the thineenth eonten” Whether, inthe ‘Seramen of the alae tere are accents without a sbject “The otond objeto forthe segntine side ands reply ring into play te same set of argument, and, natural the ansuer bins by ap Praling tote principle iad down by Avicenna, that ese cannot enter {he deintion of any genus or species This tine, Bowene, Thomas Jie the ruby resting, a more ore es perhaps ha et tsi ag ws up re i wm ne on te eat Twa the metaphysical notion that andertos the doctrine I ao happens 10 ‘eons ofthe moat fequeny neglected points af Thom 0 cm ‘only taught school seston. Te Aviaeana and Those sy, cannot enter the definition of any senor or specier, beaux all he indiuas inched im a gems oF Spek ac united bythe sharing i ther eins, wheres genus ‘ha species are not ound with one andthe sume ese nthe individuals they Cota. In other words, the species the sate forall the im ‘ida cntuned Ini whereas he exe ofeach oda s proper {ort That uniqcnee of individual exe, wick makes» beng tobe a0 individ, therfore rege for he consttion a vey substance, Far becaese fine ete necualy the er of something te ntien of {he gud or ewence that rote Ie ikewie rogied fora come ‘Stntion, Gescrpton or quai dexrption of both subwance snd 3 ‘hen. Substances and acces are tens aly Because hey are hing that ae Tha epetely eye of therm that they ate re na 65) ‘Seroces astulzdr asording to two illerent medals, by thet reapectve acts of beng “Rew tet scateed through the complete works of Thomas Aguinas consti se infcrmaton ne have on what woul ave Ben 2st Irporant and fanart chapter of his pllosophy, bade writen tne Ths count for he fat that so nay “Thome subatate aa ‘Rsomplt, and to that extent incorrect, dtition of substance for he Sutheaie finklon of given by Thomas apd bis predeesor the "Those wo sa) that we have the philesopy of Thomas Aquinas inhi catty De ome et erucnti, should spec tha, although alte elements Sr the Thoms deition of sacanes ae found that work he ‘sfinnion ist of hat fandamental oon Is not thee “Those who maintain that the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas i con tained in bis commentaries om Avs and even that, such ai i ‘Gipetd hy hin in those commentaries, the plsophy of Atte i Iirtown php, sbouldaesout forthe fact that auch a8 Thomas himself underage them, the fundamental philosophical motions of Feing hig, ssbeance. and acide are replay felted by him {0 the mtaphyeles of Avicenna, never to hate Arcot. Lovee, of thee quotations of Avicenna in the complet works of Thomas Aq tn ised by C. Vansteenkite, ony are found i the eo ‘Henares on Arto eleven of which ze in the commentary” 00 ‘Arattl’s Memphyser Betoun the maps of Arte and that GE Thomas Aquinas, the metaphyicr of Avicenna sts a6 KiDd of finer, The ontology’ of Arete reaches Thomas Aquinas AVcEaRD| polirized, And, ofcourse, Averoes knw fll well the setson why the ‘ctaphysics of Avicenna could serve the purpose of helopan baer {han that of Arsodie. Avicenna vas alvays tobe found af way be twee pilsophy and theology. Since Thomas Aguina, and before rm [Avcean, had ead the Old Testament they have i common the God of Abraham, lana, and Jacob ‘A at remark should perhape be made, being well undertod th “The arrow mope of the precoding observtions docs nt asthorie ‘general eanhsions concerning the doctrine of Thomas Aquias xcept ‘Perhaps his one that is pure ltlectal dishonesty o presen under The prtonage of Thosas Aquinas some plop snd tecogy wing tis focabulry without keeping faith with the sutbentc meaning Of i ‘words Thomism is an exceptional crample of both liber ad ‘rein in piloophica! angnge, We cana regard one of ‘Eimeatl scion withow! wrecking the whole sractre, Tvs who frat to lta his thors tnt of thet own pileophic) and thesia postions Rave to tke his doctrine sich ati, eave fe “Torthase who tink that to tae the dovtne a ti wl ipa tee very of ming, beg to offer two answer "The fist wll be i the form fs quetion. Do you realy know “Thomism? Ate you speaking of ion hearay only? Or afer more ot [es rapld survey ofthe dctine? Or fer ving tht for many years tnd prgeesvely achieving reaiation ofthe esaing Of Ke pre fips? Le everyone aneer for meet, personal experience sano Be ‘Sommunicne “The secon answer access escapes the grasp of al tote o whom ‘Thomas Aqulaas is but the name fy at ba, aa eaknow theologian 4nd. at worst, ofa opelasly eatdtedphlorpher For tos, on the Sazay, who have ved ith him apd in clove fami wih hi ‘ough W wil become increasingly cident tht his pide Jos ot lead to something that wold e Ht own personal meaphysc and theology tay rather, tothe very substance of etapa! realty Dilosphy ne ells to that ofthe Chis fait intheology. The Fen ofcowe adherence tothe authentic thought of Thomas Aguas {completly to irae the mind fom every pra sjatem and (0 leave hi alone. a dangerouly fa a relly free man, in exacty the Stunion in which Thomas hinset wat grips with the mysterious fatre of uimate reality. To folow him fafa he ony fae ay to go at lat afar athe Bima he gone Togo fart hah he id {etily sot forbidden ambition, ba one fr mut join him where be IF before ‘undertaking t go beyond his ope magn er nen, domi get, mont ong ce elena ne Speise ois nee Soe taco STE mee gente sor eae SSS cctcoretet cnet age Eeroetace's acai Gp eee eee cingieaeane sian mitre rece a crea tut Ve St ‘tact hm, cof tear ee abcatum ape se tae shave cen Ei aa dn ace cng gh sud gre Avoca ef Sen 3, ese Vis i bps a pee ae oven i sith gee banana ab sat omen quo poate sn ‘Seta doen ee ts, quod in dfinitnestatne no st snepr sex hoe elm quod dean mon poe ee ea a ‘ret qu eo en het one ene imitrex Soe od ‘rape quia eno year nore nt gato tenure tar ‘em eps et hae qod om teal, qd et nego pre gue | fore mafram el rane seer ome, la ne gener ton eve {uit x ed gid men et Ope gar quo asta el oc imode” gad aban sit oreo ewe um Ins eh tom a gudiate tmponto scat nomen ens ab ee ee alone ‘amin niger quod haba gdm cl omen ste no He tte Deon covery nn abe Gunem nt eum oe Slee pac usenet atn at arn sekcae Count epee (80) 1. oi ne te pn, onan ye gn ‘Meier 1,3 Sa eVien (ar 171) pe spe non Svinte, Avice ht Metaphy a. tute Sens enn on pest ee enema poet Pop Map com 10, um mi psi Ged eo quod em parte pi Siro enon deb ee eas. Sed a ee Rowtsm .D.De ponte, Pa Naa ed Vine Pare 169) Brg 0 il a eta ts ‘similiter esse in subjecto non est definitio accident, sed e contrario res cai ‘Gurdditatis semper debetur esse in alo. Sed. potest ese quod illud quod Se gels aig ene tc a Soaoacas samara, camera ee oa gl tad 2 ed. Vives (Parts 1873) 10 pp 295294 Cl. non ee Se ES ee re Part san SS ae Soutneninen nee coer ieee Jone mse gto i ee ge amc nn ar en et JES comin ve gis sane es er sn ca, nex deni scent nt ect tc aueseramento non data acdeetios quod ex sue eee on Sint in stern sed ex vig vite Susentante Er eo non dein este cident quit acc sparta a cs Seino accent, ec compete ‘Seino altantae Suma theolpae Il 7, 1, Vien Par 1D 3 PFS Praca, de codem pact definite, sed cn er 2 «st tito vel deserptio bsartie ego in tacramento srs eden Sent pers an neta seer gud i sting, ood et aberd ‘Ad scan dcndam, und scandum Avicenna ia sus Metaphaia, SCE TSR ste gn pce cm ten el Ini se crcennct rue Sop See tenia apt et re aunts deel ee 90. edes Yeo es ej onure detrei lio Uace putt qu qm aclient ‘Sate no stn Sect, non tame Prine a Sefton fa in Shue stra mat aot eter i ducers Quainen Beg ek a

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