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Research Report #1, Due December 14th

Use the following form to fill out a detailed, typed report that meets the standards of
academic writing.
Individual Name
Jayrel Wilson
Group Name
Trials and Tribulations
1 Does a persons environment affects their educational
Research Problem
Statement and
2 Does a persons life situation affect educational success?
Problem Statement
Most teenagers undergoing trials and tribulations in life have
a decreased potential for a successful education.
Sub-claims changes
Life-altering tragedies can lead to mental and physical
changes which can harm a persons chances to live
The life were expected to live base on government

Explain the first research The first research method is interviews. I feel like
method that you are
interviews will work because we can get people to open
using and why. (1 short
up more.

Describe your progress

and any adjustments to
your plan for collecting
data. (Refer to your

My group and I came up with questions. They are

pertaining to the same topic but they are different in a
way. We are going to choose different groups of people to

research method plan, be

specific about what you have
accomplished and will
accomplish by when, 1-2
short paragraphs)

Describe your progress

and plans for analyzing
the data you have
collected. (Be specific

We will look at all our interviews and pick the ones that
stood out the most. The we will begin preparing our
presentation for the final part.

What have you learned

thus far that you did not
know before? (1 short

Its not as easy to get people to open up about deep

feelings. You cant expect people to open up to you
without you opening up. So sometimes you have to tell
your story to get a story.
My greatest challenge is working together with a group.
Sometimes I have to make sacrifices and also my group
members. Especially when youre all busy people.

about what you have

accomplished and will
accomplish by when, 1-2
short paragraphs)


What are the greatest

challenges of your
project thus far? (1 short

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