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October 4, 2015

Parents of Mrs. Johnsons students,

My name is Kylie Matusiewicz, or Miss Kylie as you have most likely heard from your children. I am a
senior at Hamilton Southeastern High School and I am a part of the cadet teaching program there. Before
entering the program; you have to apply, the student has to go through an interview with the teacher in
charge of the program and receive teacher recommendations. In this program we are being taught the
certain requirements of being a teacher and what it means to be a teacher, this class then prepares us for
our future teaching careers. At the end of almost every day I come from the high school to Mrs. Johnsons
class to help her in math class and to get a feel of what it is like to be a teacher. The reason I wanted to
take part in this program is because I hope to become a teacher, this means going to college to get my
education degree and then graduating with a major in elementary education with a minor in special
education. Throughout the year I hope to become vital resource for the children in the class

Kylie Matusiewicz

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