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Reading response #2

The title of the literacy narrative that I chose was writing and swimming. It was about how a
girl whose heritage was Spanish, and how she hated writing in college. She talks about how it was a
struggle to wright in college and how she would sit down to write a paper and would stare at a blank
page for hours and feel terrible. She related it to her fear of swimming. She decided to conquer both
her fear of water and of writing. She did overcome her fear. The author signed up for a writing class
and learned to swim.
This was intriguing to me because I have never thought about learning how to wright like
learning how to get over a fear. I have always liked swimming and water so I cant really relate to her
that way but I could however relate to her fear of writing. It also intrigued me that the writer was
intrigued by reading and writing but however she hated to write. This makes me think about how I
can become a better writer by facing my fears of writing head on and not by pushing them off. I
commend this person on facing her fears head on.

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