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Jaiden Vaca

Astronomy Reflection
Growing up I have always enjoyed the thought of space. Looking up into a pitch black sky with
glowing dots of stars some making figures when you connect the dots. The unknown part of
astronomy is what intrigues me the most. Dark matter, Dark energy, the fact that we dont really
know if space goes on forever or if it is round. People coming up with theories and solving
equations to is what we know. How much we know about the planets in our solar system, the
moon, our galaxy even though weve never seen what it actually looks like, our sun and much
much more.
There are so many detailed parts about space that nobody stops to think about. Like the fact that
the sun uses gravitational equilibrium so gravity doesnt collapse it. Or how we only see one side
of the moon all the time. The best part about learning about astronomy is that it is all very
applicable since we do in fact live in space.
The science in the news journals seemed very tedious at first but as the weeks continued and
different articles would come up I learned that what we know about space influences us more
than we know. It was very helpful to look up different articles each week so we could apply what
we learn in class to the real world.
Astronomy 1040 taught by Jonathan Barnes definitely has been one of my favorite classes. It
helped that he was so passionate about astronomy. I have learned so much about space that no
movie or documentary would be able to describe. I have enjoyed every aspect of Astronomy
1040. Learning about what we know about space and learning about what we dont know, and all
of the many theories. I am excited to see what new theories will take place and what I will be
able to apply to the real world.

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