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Local Resources Lesson Plan

Course: High School Algebra

Grade Level: 9
Lesson topic: Maximizing Area
A brief overview of the activity
This activity is to increase students knowledge of maximizing area
This activity involves fun, informal activity like going to the zoo with formal activity like learning about
maximizing area
Learning Objectives
After this activity,
Students will be able to maximize area of an enclosure based on a certain set length of fencing
Students will be able to maximize area of an enclosure with one side being against a river or barn, or
with splitting a pen into different areas

Previous Learning
ISTE 1a. Promote, support, and model creative and innovative
thinking and inventiveness

Basic knowledge of algebraic concepts

Basic knowledge of perimeter and area
Basic Knowledge of what it means to maximize area

I will administer several word problems based on a scenario from the visit to the zoo, where the students have
to maximize the area of different enclosures

I chose this activity because it builds off of a previous lesson plan that was based on understanding what
maximum area means
I chose this activity because it includes a fun activity like going to the zoo.
Participation structure:
This is a large group structure at first, at the zoo. When we return to the classroom, we will have a class
discussion, then work individually in order to solve the word problems
Class will take a field trip to the zoo.
Class will stick together at first, with teacher giving a lesson on the different enclosures, and what
the area equation would be for the different designs
Students will split into groups as they wish (at least 3 to a group) to explore and enjoy the zoo
Class will leave the zoo to return to school
Class will have a teacher led discussion based on maximizing area and how to calculate this
Class will work individually on word problems

Materials / resources
Money for the Zoo

Extension of Learning
From here, we will go into what we can do with maximizing area besides on animal enclosures. We will also talk
about just maximizing and minimizing in general

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