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Reflection on Humanities

While taking this class, I have come to learn some great things and reach a new understanding
within the world. No matter what youre doing with your profession, humanities are important for
everyone to understand.
Ive adapted a huge understanding of the world by going to Utah Universities art museum. At first
to me, it was just an art museum where I observed paints on a canvas but I realized something; these art
pieces mean something and are trying to get a point across.
I spent a good two hours walking through the museum carefully observing each piece. Each piece
told a story and if there wasnt much information on a piece I found interesting Id look it up later at
I came out finishing this assignment with great knowledge. As I took in these pieces I realized
that my culture from their culture is exceptionally diverse. For instance, walking through the Egypt
exhibit and reading over their explanation of mummification was unusual to me because in our modern
day society, we either bury or cremate the deceased. I turn my head away in disgust or think poorly of
their actions because I dont have a reason to. That is their way of celebrating the passing of the deceased
and who am I to think inadequately of their culture and doings when our ways of celebrating the deceased
could be unusual to them?
All in all, this assignment has taught me not to live in ignorance and through this assignment I
have learned to have an open mind on different aspects of the world because I do share the earth with
billions of other people who have different thoughts and practices than I do in which it creates peace.

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