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Date: September 22,


To: Casey Neistat

From: Mo Howard
Subject: Rhetorical Analysis of Beme
Enclosed is a rhetorical analysis of your new app you created Beme. Throughout this
memo, the pros and cons of the app Beme will be analyzed resulting in whether or not
Beme is successful as an app, to its users and in rhetoric. In this rhetorical analysis I
will discuss
1. Beme
a. What is Beme
How Beme Works:
2. Audience
1. Instead of taking a photo or video you
a. Who uses Beme
open the app and hold the camera
3. Context
against yourself shown here:
a. Values of Beme
2. Once you lift the
4. Purpose
phone from your
a. Why Beme was created
shirt you choose to hold
5. Direct Rhetoric
it against, the video
a. Logos
is posted
b. Pathos
a. You as the user is not able to see
c. Ethos
the video before it is posted
6. Conclusion
3. Scroll down to your newsfeed shown
7. Works cited
4. Once you watch your
video or any other
users video it will
Beme is a social media app created by you, Casey
Neistat, a video blogger (Vlogger). It was released
into the app store of all iphones on July 12th 2015.


Since you discussed Beme multiple times on your daily Youtube channel, Bemes most
major audience is
1. Your Youtube Channel Subscribers
2. Want to be Vloggers
It is evident that your users are loyal to you and your Youtube channel, which is mainly
is just a self-promotion website to inspire not only yourself but your views. Beme also
appeals to other vloggers or inspiring vloggers. Since you created a brand for your

name and your life story as a young guy who didnt go to college but was still able to
be successful by videoing and vlogging, many of your viewers look up to you for
inspiration as you always say anyone can be a vlogger. The audience is anyone how
believes they are can do what you achieved: a successful life via vlogging.

The cultural values of Beme is to make you look good, Casey. You have used your
Youtube channel to promote your Beme to profit yourself. Your act of genuine and
honesty is really shown through as you use people and the Beme users to get ahead in
your career.

You claim that the purpose of Beme is to make anyone able to vlog as well as making
social media authentic. You once said digital media is supposed to be a digital version
of who we are as people. Instead it is a highly sculpted calculated version of who we
are, told through filters that make our eyes look blueier and carefully selected images to
portray a version of who we are. Beme is a new way to share. You actually did do a
great job for what you wanted to accomplish. Since users are unable to see the videos
they crated before it is uploaded no- one can physically fabricate their specific content
in their videos. That said, it is still not genuine. People use social media still to show
off their lives. It is still a version of users lives and not their entire story. Beme is a
good attempted to do this, however, people only Beme the good in their lives. It is not
like they will be Beme-ing at a funeral of their grandma but definitely would Beme at a
concert. The purpose of Beme is half succeeded.

Direct Rhetoric
Logos- Uses Beme for self publicity
Casey, although I think you do mean well in helping people become
better video bloggers, however, it is evident that you use Beme for your
own self-publicity.
1. An order to know about Beme you need to watch Caseys Youtube
a. The more viewers he has and subscribers the more
endorsements and publicity you recieve
2. When using the app Beme you need to have codes an order to start
using Beme.
a. You get the codes personally from you Casey aka by
watching your Youtube.
i. The more codes people want, the more viewers you
get Casey, which means. . . .

Pathos- Drawing Emotion from Users


Physically Beme draws many emotions from users. The app its self is to
draw emotion. Whether users get emotional about sending something
funny or sad or even become jealous of peoples posted videos, the app
is purely based on emotion.

Ethos- Creating credibility by users

Physically Beme is creditable as there is no way (yet) for users to
fabricate their videos. However, since users are suppose to be authentic
and using Beme to create exactly what is going on in their lives, they are
the ones that can be un-creditable. For instance they are the ones
showing only the fun activities in their lives and not the whole picture or
what really might be happening behind the video they post to Beme.

Overall, after rhetorically analyzing your app Beme it is evident that my beliefs stay the
same. Personally I think that with over 2.6 million dollars invested by numerous
investors us Casey Neistat Youtube Subscribers were expecting a lot more of Beme
than a primitive version of Snapchat. You have done very well advertising your family
and lifestyle on your vblog with over a million subscribers, however, your authentic
views are unsuitable for a social media app such as Beme. Your ideas and genuine
honesty is an appealing concept unfortunately us social media owners do not want that
as much as you wish them too. We use Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram to make
ourselves look good and have viewers such as friends, family and even strangers want
to be us or to be jealous of us. Most social media forms do not show the bad part of our
days such as hearing bad news or failing a mid-term, we use social media to show that
we got to fly in a private jet or got to stay at the St. Regis. Social media is not authentic
to begin with and has not been used as an authentic source but instead used as a
pedestal for our selves. Since Beme is unable for users to click on other users we cannot
see our friends stories unless they pop-up in our newsfeed. In all honesty, I personally
do not care about the salad you ate today in California but may care if my friends are at
the beach. As a Beme user I should be able to click on my friends profile and watch
their stories instead of waiting for it to show up on my personal feed. You claim that
this is authentic, however, the fact that users are forced to see others videos you are in
hopes to have followers. This can make more people famous instead of being your true
self users just Beme the good part of there days and what might appeal to the average
users instead of there own friends. Frankly this is making it even less authentic. I will
say that the best part about Beme is having hands free recording. Very well done!
Beme has the potenical to be a great app mainly having to friends being able to
click on friends and giving the users options of wanting to see strangers videos such as
Instagram does with the search option. I do believe you would receive better feedback
if you combined Beme, Instagram and Snapchat.
Mo Howard

Works Cited

1. Neistat,Casey."Beme."Beme.Youtube,17July2015.Web.23Sept.2015.<>.

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