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Brianna Belknap

College Writing 1
13 December 2015

Essay Reflection

In my gun control essay, I wrote about the positive effects of implementing gun control
regulations. I chose this topic because although I support the right to bear arms, I believe that
without regulation this amendment can be dangerous. This essay supports my opinion through
valid examples of the befits of gun control. Some of these benefits are that gun control could
lower gun deaths, it could help solve crimes, it would eliminate some of the activity in the illegal
gun market, it would make society feel safer as a whole. Research shows that other countries do
not have the outstanding problems we have with this matter. In some European countries such as
Spain owning a weapon is extremely uncommon. Citizens do not do so, and therefor the police
do not have to carry guns either. A nation with little to no gun violence may seem impossible to
us but other countries have managed to achieve this. This essay has inspired me to try to find a
solution to gun violence, and to aspire to make America the best country it can be which is one of
my goals in life. This is why I chose to major in politics, in hopes to become a lawyer and to
help keep justice alive and continue to improve this nation. This essay helped me to realize that
through solid evidence, you can create a plausible argument for any topic.

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