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Glenn D Sisneros

Camey Schaeffer
English 1010
December 16, 2015

Course Reflection
At the beginning of this class I was not as familiar with rhetoric as I should have been,
but the explanation of Logos, Pathos and Ethos made my transition into the world of rhetoric
much easier. I have found myself utilizing these elements in conversation outside of the
academic world and look closer at political debate and seeing how they are utilizing rhetoric in
their arguments.
Another thing I learned is to be unbiased about a subject which I had to do for the visual
analysis, short analysis and personal essay analysis. In order to complete these assignments I had
to take a neutral stance the subjects, some of which I am very passionate about. This definitely
will benefit me later in my academic career. Many times you must analyze issues without
opinion and only based on fact. Not only this, but with aspirations of becoming a federal
probation officer I must work with people with very different morals than my own, but must
make choices based on what is legally and ethically right,, but still empower my client.

The argument synthesis taught me a great deal about determining good sources and using
to write a paper that is longer what Im used to. This is especially important for attending college
where I will be assigned long essays.
Overall I feel this class was very beneficial to my development as a person and a student.

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