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Thank you for your interest in our school and this position!

1. Tell me about why you decided to apply for this middle school science
2. What is your most memorable experience as a teacher?
3. How would students describe you? One of your typical classes/lessons?
4. Describe how you plan a lesson.
5. What experience, if any, do you have teaching science subjects? Doing labs?
Organizing field trips or science fairs?
6. How comfortable are you communicating with and involving parents in
7. What would you/do you find most challenging about teaching science?
8. How do you stay current with trends in education? How would you go about
continuing learning about science?
9. Describe what great collaboration between educational colleagues looks like.
10.I taught science for 10 years! I love science. How would you feel about
working with me to prep for units/labs/assessments?
11. What would be your #1 goal for students enrolled in your science class?

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