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David Bygel
Ally Johnson
Humanities PM
October 2015
David B
Chike stood up and wiped his forehead of sweat, after eight full hours of gathering
many bananas and mixed berries from the trees and bushes, Chike was headed back to the
village of Benguela.
Chike was a 16-year-old male
. He was one of the best gatherers around
the village. Chike was also one of the toughest kids in his village, well that's what he
thought. Many days when he and the other kids would run around and play games he
almost always got in an argument with them, many times leading to fights.
Chike lived in a
small hut with his mom Chinaka and his sister Asasha in the village of Benguela.
The village
was located right next to an ocean, where many times he would go and wash off after his
job. The village was also surrounded by small mountains and plateaus, many times where
Chike would go to gather. Though Chikes family weren't the wealthiest around they lived
just fine. Chike worked very hard at his job and around the village so one day he could be
among the Ngola. The Ngola were the rulers around the many villages. The ones who the
many people obeyed.
Often times Chike would gather extra berries from the bushes and
bring them to the Ngola that lived around Benguela.
But every other day it was simple,
wake up early go work and come home. Usually caring for his mom while his sister was out
in the farms with sisal and bananas. Life in Benguela was pretty easy. Everyone had their
own job and place around the village.
Benguela was one of the biggest villages around.
Though it was very dry they were able to grow many things including bananas and sisal
which was found it could be used to make ropes and carpets of such. Benguela was also a
very popular for fishing as it was located right on the ocean. Many people came from far
away to fish, some even building boats so that they could reach areas where more fish
were. The huts the people had were built along the coast but far enough away that they
wouldnt get damaged when a storm came. Chike built his hut right where the waves would
crash against the sand.
While out playing games with the other kids around, Chike then heard a call. It was
his mother calling for dinner he hadn't eaten since the morning so he was excited. It was
fish that his sister had caught and mixed berries that Chike had gathered while deep in the
forest looking for food. The family prayed before they ate. Chike scarfed down his food and
felt his stomach wishing he hadnt eaten so fast.


Most days chike would go to work again but he realized it was getting late, so Chike
decided to wash off in the ocean. He usually did this every day before he went to bed. When
Chike decided to lay down, his thoughts were skipping all over in his mind but was
eventually able to drift off. Chike was in the forest gathering berries for the village. But this
wasnt him. He must have been dreaming. Chike was high up on a plateau gathering but
when he finally had enough food he turned to head back to the village. When he was in the
range of village he was able to hear distant screams. This worried him so he started to run.
All the fruits he had just gathered were falling down as he climbed to the bottom of the
small rocky mountain.
The screams were getting louder. Chike ran faster, almost
everything he had gathered had now fallen out.
When Chike finally reached the village he
realized everyone was running frantic and the village was burning. Chike sprung up out of
his sleep, thankful that he was still in his hut. Chike wondered what the dream was telling
him. What it meant. He decided not to think much of it and decided to lay his head back
down. Chike was able to drift off once again, this time to nothing but a dark blinding sleep.
Chike woke up to sunlight shining through a hole in his hut. The sunlight was right
in his eyes, shining right through a hole in the hut. But the sun was not what woke him up.
Chike heard lots of commotion outside his hut. He walked out wondering why everyone
was huddled in a circle.
He spotted Emido outside the circle. Chike walked over to him.
Whats with all this commotion? Chike wondered. A man from Luanda has shown up
Emido responded. Chike pushed his way through the crowd of people surrounding this
unknown man. Chike saw an older man, maybe in his fifties or sixties
, he was bent over on
his knees catching his breath almost as if he had swam the whole ocean. The man stood up
so that now everyone could see his face. His face was a dark, wrinkled and leathery. The
look on his face looked like he had seen a beast in the forest. The man spoke, we We are
in danger. The man said as he bent down to catch his breath again. Confusion spread
across the village as they heard what the man had said. For some odd reason Chike thought
he should be the one to speak, What, what do you mean we are in danger. The older man
rose again, Whites. was all the man said once again bending down to catch his breath. The
word that the man said immediately reminded Chike of the dream that he had the previous
night. Chike again decided not to think about it. The man spoke again, They came for us,
and now they are coming for you. You have to get out. This phrase made the commotion of
the village rise, questions flared throughout the village. Where do we go? someone asked,
Chike not able to tell. Head south. The older man said. Hours past and Chike noticed
many people of the village had left. Chike had thought about it many times but decided not
to. Chike saw the man, he could have been delusional for all he knew.


Because Chike was woken up earlier than normal, he decided to go and get an early
start. All Chike could think about while in the forest was the dream and the man that had
come to the village. About what the man meant when he said we were in danger. About
what the dream even meant. Chike worked for almost 11 hours. Surprisingly these
thoughts made Chikes work fly by and by the time the sun was just starting to go down,
Chike was on his way home. As these thoughts still filled his mind. Chike was nearing the
village and ended up on the same plateau that he had been on in his dream. He
remembered the dream looked over to the village, it seemed fine. The village wasnt on fire
and there were no screams, so Chike continued.
As Chike got closer to the village he had realized the hunger consuming him. He was
ready for dinner, so he walked a little faster. As Chike got to the village a radiant burst of
oranges and reds filled his eyes. It looked as if the sun had fallen out of the sky and landed
on Benguela. The village and its huts were set to flames. Though Chike couldnt really see
anyone with all the smoke. He called for his mom and sister, Chinaka, Asasha! Chike
yelled over and over again. Nothing. He tried again, Chinaka, Asasha! Chike once again
hears nothing but the screams of the other villagers. Chike! he heard behind him. It was
his friend, Emido. Emido was next to Chikes sister. Chike ran up and hugged her. Wheres
mom? Chike asked anxiously. I Im not sure, Asahsa said with a quiver in her voice.
Emido stepped in. We need to go, now! The smoke from the fires starting to thicken so
that Chike could barely see Emidos face. No! We cant just leave our mom back there.
Chike yelled. You guys go, I'll look for her. Go south I'll see you soon Chike ran into the
now black plume of smoke disappearing instantly. He started calling for his mom again. He
walked into his hut that was almost burnt to a crisp. He hoped his mother wasnt in here
burning but when he walked in he heard a loud scream.
Chike ran through the hut and saw her in the furthest corner of the hut balled up
and avoiding the flames. Chike ran over and picked her up. He felt burns on the back of her
neck but continued to push forward out of the hut. Are you able to walk? Asked Chike.
Yes I think so. Chinaka responded. Chike let his mom down, they headed towards
where Chike came from. Over everything that was happening all Chike could think about
was where he would live. Where his sister and friend were. As the two were almost out of
the smoke Chike could sense someone behind him, but continued to walk. Then he heard
someone behind him, But before
Chike could fully turn around he felt something hit him in
the back of the head. CHIKE! yelled his mom
. Then he was on the ground. Then everything
was Black. Chike dreamt again, this time about how he should've left with Emido and
Asasha and headed south. That they were safe, and then they even found their mom who
made it out of the fire.


Hey HEY! someone yelled Chike thinking it was a dream. Hey, get up Chike
was slapped by someone. Chike realized it was one of the white people. Chike sprung up
and scooted backwards. He looked around it must have only been a couple minutes since
he was knocked out. The smoke was still there. The flames were still there. The whites
were still there. But the screams were gone. And so was his mom. The guard grabbed him
by his neck and somehow picked him up off his feet. The man was very strong and did not
look happy. Chike started to struggling in the mans arms. But despite his strength Chike
couldnt break the mans grasp.
The large man tied Chikes hands together, and then pushed him so he fell on his
knees. Get up! the guard yelled. Chike struggled to get up with his hands behind but was
finally able to. The guard kept pushing him when he walked slow.The two approached the
main part of the village. Where most of the Ngolas lived. Though you couldnt really tell
because everything was burnt down. The only thing that showed was the large circular
beach. Chike noticed many other people from the clan. They all looked beaten and bruised.
Assuming that was from the fire. Chike wondered why these white people had come for
them. Why they had captured them. Move! The guard said as he caught Chike standing
still. When he got to the beach were all the others that have been captured were he saw his
mom, his sister, and his friend. The joy that they were there with them was not enough to
make him not want to kill all the whites. Asasha and Emido were the only people that
noticed him. They looked like they had been beaten half to death by whips and other tools.
But before he could reach them the guard shoved Chike and made him walk to the far left
side of where everyone was.
He walked up and stood next to one of the oldest of the clan. As Chike stood next to
her he had already noticed a large slash on her neck and partly on her back. He had noticed
most of the guards had whips. Chike assumed that the guards had whipped her.
Well, I hope you are happy to be here. A tall white man said, appearing to be the
leader of the whites. I am Pablo and we are the Portuguese. The man explained again.
Chike wondered to himself totally spacing out and not hearing much of what the man was
saying. Why did you capture us? Chike finally spoke up. Well, thats a good question you
ask. You see my goal is to make Portugal stronger, more powerful, and wealthier. Chike
bowed his head and looked at the ground. Untie them and get them to work, Pablo said.
Chikes head shot back up, Get to work? You arent going to let us go? Pablo glanced at
him, smiled and then walked away as if he had not heard the question at all.
What kind of work did you do? One man said as he started untying Chikes hands.
I I gather bananas and different berries. Chike responded Well then, get to it The man


pushed Chike once he finished untying his hands, Chike went to work. Chike had never
worked like this. He worked with two guards looking over him, it was the middle of the
night and Chike could hardly see, and whenever he took a break he would get whipped by
one of the guards.
Chike continued to work like this for many days. He did get to talk to his sister and
his friend and he did get to eat, and when he did it was food that he had never eaten before.
One day when Chike came back from work he noticed many large boats docked at the shore
of the village. Chike noticed a lot of smoke coming from the large pillars of them. What is
this? one of the guards said. Chike moved down the hill towards the village to see what
was going on. Chike got down to the village and noticed more that his people were getting
put onto boats. Just when Chike got down to where he could fully see what was going on, he
noticed Asasha and Chinika being loaded onto one of the boats. Wait WAIT! Chike
yelled, What do you think you are doing? Pablo said Why why are you putting them on
the boat! Chike yelled, Dont worry kid, we got you more friends. Pablo pointed to a ship
that were unloading slaves. The ship was now leaving. NO No! Chike ran into the water
yelling Asasha, Chinika! Theyre is gone, Emido said running after him. You have to
stop, Even if you do get to them you will die! Chike stopped.
For the next three days, Chike couldnt work because he was too busy worrying
about his mom and sister. Chike was whipped many times. to the point where he couldnt
lift his arms up past his shoulders. Though Chike was forced to work. Gathering, cutting
trees, breaking minerals. Many years past, and by the time the Portuguese abolished
slavery though forced labor was still a thing. Chike was dying. He had been beaten almost
every day. All he could think about were his family. If they were safe. The Portuguese would
bring in new slaves often and Chike decided if he was going to survive he needed to get on
one of the boats. One day came along and Chike saw his opportunity.
Despite Chikes severe wounds, he was able to knock out the guard that had been
watching him. Chike ran down the hill and to the biggest boat. Chike easily blended in with
the slaves that were boarding it already. Emido saw him but decided not to go after him
because he knew it was his only chance. The boats were big enough to get across the world
he thought. Chike had made it to the boat and was climbing up along a long rope thrown
down. NO! Chike heard a loud scream and looked back. He saw Emido running toward
him. But Emido wasnt running at him, he was running toward a guard. BANG. a loud shot
from a rifle.
Many people stopped and looked at what the shot was for. Emido ran toward the
boat, and the commotion started. Many people started fighting the guards to see what was


going on. Emido ran to the shore just where the boat was. It was Chike shot in the stomach.
No, no, no Help! Emido yelled. The slaves on the boat climbed back over and looked
down. They then saw what was going on. Many slaves helped Emido drag Chike to the
beach where he could be treated. Though there was nothing that they could do. Every
second that Emido dragged Chike through the water and up onto the beach, it seemed like a
gallon of blood spilled out. By the time that Chike was in an area to be treated, he was
dying. Chike was turning blue. The doctor from the Portuguese ran and dropped to the side
of Chike. The doctor ripped up his bag and placed it where chike was bleeding, trying to
stop the blood. Stop, Chike said coughing up more blood. Chike pulled the cloth of his
skin. Y You were a good friend. Chike said again talking to Emido. Chike reached out
and grabbed his hand. When you make it to my family. Remind them that I love them.
Chike said. He laid his head against the soft sand and took a deep breath. Everyone sat back
and no one said a word. Even though the Portuguese didnt know Chike they knew that he
was very important to the village.
4 Years Later
The boat crunched as it hit the shore. Everyone jumped off onto the dock. He saw
them. Emido! They called Emido ran towards them. It was Chinika and Asasha, Chikes
mother, and sister. Emido ran up and hugged them. Im so glad to see you again. They all
said to each other. Im assuming Chike is on the boat? this statement made Emido almost
break down. No, no hes not. What what do you mean, hes not with you? No Chinika,
he died. Chikes mom let out a big sigh as if she already knew. She fell to her hands and
knees and prayed to the earth. Come Emido, let us feed you, She said as she rose up off
the ground. As she walked towards her new home in Brazil, Emido followed.

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