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My name is Nicholas Andrew Sax-Simmons. For short I go by Nick

Simmons. I am a 16 year male. I was born on November 10th 1998, in Santa Clara
California. The first place I lived was in Sunnyvale California. I lived there until
I was about five years old. While I was living there I went to Rainbow
Montessori School and Bishop Elementary School. When I was five we moved to
our current house in Concord, CA. Since living here I have gone to Highlands
Elementary, Foothill Middle and Northgate High School.
In my life I have played many sports like, basketball, football, soccer and
swimming, but my favorite sport is baseball. I started playing baseball when I
was about five years old, and havent stopped playing since. I first played tee ball
at Clayton Valley Little League. I then played travel ball, then to high school ball.
My freshman year I made varsity and have played there since. My freshman year
I started playing second base, then by the end of the year I was playing shortstop.
My sophomore year, I played every inning at shortstop and made only four
errors, but only hit about .290. I am currently getting prepared for college.
I have had a couple different best friends in my life. While I lived in
Sunnyvale, my best friends were Ladell and Courtney. After moving to Concord
I lost touch with Ladell but still see Courtney from time to time. When I moved

to Concord my best friend was Jo Sisneros. We met in kindergarten and we were

in the same class through 5th grade. In the second grade a boy named Caleb
Roundy moved from Australia and we became friends through swim team.
Caleb, Jo and I became the three amigos, we would do everything together until
about three years ago, when Caleb moved to Utah for his dads job. We are still
great friends and every summer, Jo and I go visit them up in Utah. Now my two
best friends are Jo and Marcella Pittam. Marcella and I met freshman year in our
P.E. class. We started hanging out that summer and then started dating soon
after. We have had the same P.E. class all three years. I have had a lot of best
friends in my life but I am glad that they were all a part of my life.
I have big dreams for the future, but I believe that if I work hard enough
towards them, then those dreams will turn into a reality. My dreams/goals in
life are to live in a decently large house in either Walnut Creek or Danville. My
dream car would have to be a Bugatti but that is most likely not going to happen.
I would like to drive either a BMW or Mercedes Benz. My ultimate goal is to
play professional baseball for the San Francisco Giants. And I would like to have
a pug because they are cute.
Some details about myself would be that I am 60 and 185 lbs. My favorite
food is waffles with Nutella on top and my favorite drink is chocolate milk. I am

non-religious but have self-morals. I am democratic because of my parents. On

my free time I enjoy hanging out with my friends, playing video games and
watching Netflix.
In my lifetime I have had three important events. All three of these events
have happened fairly recently. The first event was when my grandmother died.
She died on February 23, 2013. She died of abdominal cancer and she died at the
age of 79. She was the center of our family and loved to travel. She would take
the four grandchildren including me on trips all around the world. It really
changed my view on life. I now do not take life for granted and I am nice and
caring to people, even if I dont know them that well. I learned a lot of things
from her. For instance she taught me abacus even though I didnt understand in
that well. She was a great, caring and strong woman.
The second event that impacted my life was when I committed to St.
Marys College in Moraga for baseball. On June 12th 2014, I gave a verbal commit
to the head coach of their baseball program. I got offered a full ride scholarship
to a D1 baseball school and could not turn the offer down. It impacted my life
my life by having to get good grades. Before this year I averaged a 2.5 GPA and
this year I have a 3.33 GPA. It has made me really apply myself towards school. I

now pay more attention in class and am doing much better. I have made
relationships with the coaches and they push me to do better every day.
The third event would be when I got my license. On November 17th 2014, I
passed my license test. On my test I missed 0 points and it has changed my view
on the road. When I was driving on the road with my parents I thought nothing
bad could happen. When I drove alone for the first time, I realized that I needed
to be a lot more careful. I no longer had my parents as a backup. If I messed up
or didnt pay attention, there was nobody there to help me or save me. My life
has been easier since I got my license but I have been a lot more responsible and
I have had a full and eventful life. Sure my life had been pretty average,
but it is very unique to me. I have learned a lot and done a lot. If I could go back
in time to do one thing different, I wouldnt change a thing for I may be a whole
different person and I wouldnt want to change myself. I have a great family and
friends and I hope to achieve all my goals.

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