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Discussion Text: Pros and Cons on Anti Smoking Law no smoking

The pros and cons on anti smoking law or "smoking is forbidden" is still being discussed in
our country. The issue is not new. It is only a small part of the anti-smoking wave which has
been promoted for more than 50 years. Arguments for anti-smoking are abundant. Some of
them such as: smoking is a slow suicide and makes other people passive smokers who has
same impacts in term of health.
Furthermore smoking invites death and impotence, causing tuberculosis, lung damage,
stomach injury, liver and heart damage and cancer.
In social interaction, cigarettes make smoker smelly, weak, thin and poor. Moreover, cigarette
smoke contains around 4,000 chemicals causing air pollution.
However, smokers have a self-defense argument. They say that smoking helps thinking, spurs
creativity, calms the nerves, eliminates fatigue and grief, is social, invites chumminess and
healthy emotions.
Criticizing regulations, smokers argue that the anti-smoking law is unjust, inhumane, violates
privacy, restricts expression and is discriminatory. The anti-smoking regulation is siding with
one and denying the other at the same time. The two sides are equally strong. It is impossible
to disregard either. Is smoking or not smoking a matter of personal choice?

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