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Problem of the Week 5: Fractals!

Due Friday, October 23

A fractal is a geometric figure where each part of it is equal to
each other. Fractals use a recursive routine and typically look really
chaotic and crazy. The Sierpinski triangle is a fractal because its a selfsimilar geometric structure and has a recursive routine. Recursive is a
repetition or recurrence of a rule.
When constructing my Sierpinski triangle, I used a ruler to
measure out the side lengths. I also used it as straight edge. Next, I
colored half of the triangles with my favorite color and with the other
half, cut out triangles and put a picture of my two cats behind it. I did
four iterations with my triangle because trying to add more was getting
harder and harder and I thought I wouldnt be able to cut the triangles
out very well. My sierpinski triangle represents me well because I it has
my favorite color and my two cats, my favorite pets, who I love more
than anything.

People would be able to verify that I have made a true sierpinski

triangle by doing a number of things. For instance, you could measure

the sides and angles to make sure they are all what they are supposed
to be. Next, you could check to see if it was a true recursive routine.
The aspects of y final product that showcase the properties of a fractal
are the self-similar geometric shapes going all around my triangle.

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