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Eric Fan

Mr. Eckert
G/T Intern/Mentor
16 December 2015
For the research type, I have chosen quantitative descriptive research. This research
involves gathering numerical data by surveys, observations, and interviews. This type of research
is relevant to the research I am conducting, which is gathering numerical data on the morphology
of new ant species to find characteristics that distinguish them from existing species. I will gather
this data by measuring ant specimens through a microscope and recording the measurements I
I am choosing to do the Data Collection Notebook as my data collection option. This is
the best option for my research question because it allows me to record the measurements I
make. I will make many measurements of the ant specimens I observe and record them in my
A logistical challenge I may face is the gathering of the data. Measuring the ant
specimens can be a time-consuming process as they must constantly be repositioned and focused
under the microscope to make the necessary measurements. This will take time, but I can
overcome it by staying on task and being efficient in measuring the ants.

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