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The girls presented on the front of the film poster are

teenagers around the age of 17 and 18.They are all from

a white background. They are all dressed in quite short
skirts which suggests that they are self-assured of their
self-image. They are all wearing quite girly colours a lot of
pink is being worn this suggests they are stereotypical
girly character. There posture is quiet relaxed which also
shows that they are confident in themselves. They have
their legs crossed which also presents them as being girly
and lady like as that is how ladies tend to sit. The girl
with the blonde hair that is second from the left looks like
the most confident of the group by her body language
she also looks like she has the most dominance over the

The text throughout the

poster is written in pink to
help represent that they are
girly.There is only one photo
on the poster that you focus
just on the girls on the
picture. The background of
the poster is white
contrasting with the pink
that the girls are wearing
which suggest that the film

the poster signifies the

dark side of relationships
a majority of viewers
would be able to relate to
this; the audiences
usually relishes films that
they can relate to as a
form of escapism and
relief from whats going
on in their life as there is
Watch your back
tells the audience that
there will be conflict
between the
characters that are on
the film poster. The tag
line on this film poster
isnt centred on the
page like the normal
conventions of a film
poster, however, the
tag line is still one of
the first things seen on

They have used girly

pink writing on the
poster to
characterise that this
film is a film about
girls. The poster has
been taken is a
studio as you can see
there is just a plain
grey background so
they dont give away
where its set you are
more focused on the
characters. I dont
feel like there could
have been anything
else added to this
poster they have
given the audience
just enough to entice
them into the film.
The girl that is
dressed in red is

The title of the film, Mean Girls stands out

from the rest of the context of the page as it
is bright pink and this colour represents the
target audience of the film. This film poster
doesnt follow the conventions of a movie
poster because it is central on the page,
however it is vertical not horizontal.
However, it is still bigger than any other text
on the page and is capitalised like most titles
on a film poster. Underneath the title there is
also another short tag line and this also tells

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