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nt When it comes to losing weight there are some factors that people may take into consideration. Most people like to keep track of either their workouts or their caloric, intake. Some do both. in most cases people develop a problem in which they desperately depend on what an app says in order to be able to enjoy their food for the day. Why are people so caught up into one app that has never met them in their lives and only knows a few features about them, such as their weight, age, and height? The famous aps called "myfitnaspal” is known to help people lose weight and track their progress with fitness goals. Some may say that technology is tacking ‘over their lives and they listen to an app to tell them how they should enjoy their life but do people actually see results? That may be the reason why It is so popular, because people have outcome to great results that impress all their friends and have them wondering what the magical secret is. | have experienced the ‘app controls my life” effect in both positive and negative ways. It slowly but surely gives you the results you want to see but there was no flexibility in my eating. There were days where | couldn't sleep because of hunger keeping me awake because | had ran out of calories for the night. It was stressful and kept me up at night and I no longer enjoyed tracking my progress. With lack of satisfying my hunger at night it resulted in poor sleep and low energy without having to search for caffeine twice a day. | believe this happens because my conscious tells me that if | don' listen the app | won't get the results I've been working so hard for. The app itself is just a rough estimate so | shouldn't have ever the fist place. Over months of tracking my progress it ves good ‘sno happiness when | accomplished my week goals. One week ning othe app and decided tobe as flexble as | possby wanted ‘umber forthe day. Aller he second day I felt asi betrayed the that thas given but had akeady rotcod had mor nergy and €erthroughout my day. After a month of simply nat giving much ‘df better than ever! reason why ths app controls your fe so much is because it does, 'y8. You can keep track of everything you did and some people feel when they do so. But there is always something you and | myself vd. THE APP DOESNT KNOW WHO YOU ARE! Its just a rough ‘actly what people need to remember when they use ths app, srl jut be flexible and enjoy your progression

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