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Shannon Molander

Practical Proposal
R. Andrew Brown
UWRT 1103-029
September 7, 2015
Proposal One:
My first person of interest for my practicum is my dads cousin Charlotte Irwin. Although
Charlotte does not live in Charlotte, NC I can still contact her through skype and interview her.
Charlotte is a bonds broker. She has had this job for many years and is extremely good at her job.
Charlotte is the reason my major is business economics. She told me of her work as a bonds
broker and inspired me to strive to be a broker. This project could further my interest in being a
broker, but it could also make me change my mind completely.
As the subject of my practicum I could as her many questions, such as why she wanted to
become a bonds broker, how did she originally get her job and many more. Also questions can
range from what she does every day to what her favorite part of her job is. Charlotte worked in
New York City for years but recently moved to Tampa, Florida to start a family. Because of her
status in her job, she is able to work remotely from her home in Florida. In my practicum I can
ask her more about working from home and how she came to that decision. The stock market
opens and closes at specific times so contacting Charlotte will be very easy. It is because of
Charlotte that I chose to be a business economics major. One day I would love to follow in her
footsteps and become a broker of some kind. Ultimately, this practicum would give me the

opportunity to learn more about brokering, and help me learn if this is something I would like to
do within the next ten years.
Proposal Two:
My second practicum proposal would be the Belk Tower. Since my first visit to
UNC Charlotte the tower has caught my attention. It stands for freedom of speech, and can be
seen all throughout campus. I could have this experience in between my classes, and even at
night. I plan to ask people who pass and stop at the tower a few questions. Such as what the
tower represents to them, and what its presence on campus does to the overall experience of
being a forty niner.

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