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Shannon Molander

RA Brown
Reflection: A Humanizing Experience
December 10, 2015
1. Exposing readers to uncomfortable situations like in American Gods helps them
understand more complex situations and become more mature. Books like American
Gods become more controversial and talked about because of the uncomfortable
situations that happen. It could help the readers with uncomfortable situations they may
face in their lives.
2. It is important that people read stories that are not perfect because life is not perfect, so
reading books like this gives the reader a little bit of unfortunate reality. Also, stories that
arent perfect give the reader something to relate to because in reality nothing is perfect.
Stories like American Gods bring up questions and conversations that most people would
never have. Moral relativism is dangerous because if everyone has a different idea of
what is right and not how would we make laws with such a large grey area.
3. Gaiman referenced so many different gods, I believe this is a good thing because it
spreads curiosity to the reader to learn more about other religions. I felt a need to learn
more about the individual characters. All together this was a very interesting read and I
wouldnt mind reading something similar in the future.
4. I would tell the author I liked the creativity throughout the book. Although it made me
uncomfortable at times I know that is the point of Gaimans writing style, and he
succeeded. Overall, it was an interesting read, but I dont regret reading it.
5. I found that I knew a lot less about gods then I thought I did. Going into reading this book
I thought it would be a typical Greek gods type story, and I was wrong. This novel isnt

traditionally what I would read, but I found I liked going out of my comfort zone of
books. Ultimately, I learned dont judge a book by its title and to expect the unexpected.

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