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Andrea Ramos

The historical issue that was addressed in class that most resonated with me
though the semester was the film that we watched on The Triangle Fire. This was
especially interesting to me because the workers that were talked about in the film
were women, ranging from young to old. More often than not these women were
immigrants from other countries. I am both. A young girl with aspirations and
dreams and I was also brought to the U.S at a very young age. As a woman in this
day and age I cannot imagine going through the hardship that any of these girls
and women went through. They fought for the rights that many of us have today.

In my English class many of the documents/speeches that we read for our

activities were historical. We focused quite a bit on the time when African
Americans were fighting for their rights in the Civil Rights Movement. These two
subject relate, even though its two different groups of people and different times
in American history, because they are both people that were being mistreated and
deprived of normal human rights that we should all have. They were all fighting
for a cause. I find many different connections between my classes and I think by
paying attention to these connections, as a student, you are able to give different
perspectives or views to the class discussions you attend.

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