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Domain 1:Planning and Preparation

Planning lessons that are

developmentally appropriate for
the students, differentiated for
those who need it, and
objectives are aligned with the
Make intentional assessments
with purpose
Have knowledge about students
learning levels and interests to
help plan purposefully

Domain 3: Instruction

Domain 2: The Classroom Environment

Asking both critical and simple

questions that are
developmentally appropriate for
students, in order to further their
learning and understanding.
Questions are intentional and
Engage students with meaningful
and appropriate/differentiated
Make effective and purposeful
assessments and implement
them when needed

Banking Concept/Constructivism/Problem Posing

Education importance of combining all three to
include teacher directed instructional time as well
as experience based learning opportunities for
Teacher interactions in the way of observing
students and conducting interest surveys allows
the teacher to be better prepared for what the
students know and like
Making sure that the content connects with the
students real world and environment to ensure
that they are interested and that they are learning
practical and pertinent skills and information

Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities

Feedback from colleagues can allow for

growth/improvement and unique viewpoints on student
work (as in the Math Lesson video shown in class)
Monitoring each students progress so they may all reach
the stated objectives and standards
Constantly reflect upon teaching so problems can be
identified and lessons can be improved upon for the future
Consistently engage in professional experiences and
learning opportunities to further knowledge and better

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