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Shajany Davis

Ms. Cuff
Ms. Philbrook
11 Dec, 2015
Honduras Immigration Project
Honduran immigration is different from Lithuanian immigration. This is supported by the
New York TImes article Heartache of an Immigrant Family. According to the Hondurans,
Sinclair did not correctly explain the immigrant experience.
In the New York Times article heartache of an Immigrant Family, the author Sonia
Nazario explains the life of an Honduran family before, during, and after immigration. The
author starts by describing Lourdes Pineda and her two children. Lourdes Pineda is a single
mother. She had a daughter. She also had a son named Luis. She sold food and clothes to earn
money in Honduras. She could not afford to provide for her children so she left them in
Honduras. In America she worked as a nanny. Pinedas son came to America to find his mother.
He left his pregnant girlfriend who came to America months later. His daughter came to America
when she was four. This was the beginning of a wave of Honduran immigrants. Parents were
being deported from American born children. In 2011, Luis got arrested for being an immigrant.
This articles describes the sadness that is involved with migrating. Parents and children
may become separated from each other during the move. For example, Pineda had to leave her
children to take care of other peoples children. The jungle and this article are similar by the
immigrants have new relationships and working to support their family. However, there are also
some differences. These differences include a separation of family. Pineda and Luis were unable
to bring their children with them. Another difference is that Luis was charged as an illegal
immigrant. In the Jungle Sinclair did not describe any immigrants has being illegal.

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