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Bettylou's Cinnamon Rolls

350 Oven

2Cup Milk Scalded 1 1/2 t Salt

3 Square Yeast 1/2 Lb Butter
1 cup Sugar 3 Eggs
7 cups flour
Cool Scalded Milk till cool 105 degrees Add yeast
& 1/2 cup sugar & 1 cup flour= Sponge let rise 30
In a large bowl sift the remaining flour, sugar and
salt. Work butter into the dry ingredients, add
eggs & sponge.
Stir by hand till mixed. Turn out on a board and
knead. If dough is too sticky add 1/2 cup flour.
Let rise till doubled punch down and let rise again.
Cut recipe in half and roll
Add butter, brown sugar and cinnamon roll up and
cut to size you want then bake.

Use ½ pound butter in mix another ½ pound buttering


Also add raisins

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