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Carla Abarca

College 1
Professor Forsythe
18 December 2015
Successes and Failures Reflection
In my English class I wrote an analytical essay titled The Girl Who Changed It All. This
essay challenged me because it required me to critically analyze a situation in detail. I have done
exercises related to critically thinking but it was only a few sentences unlike the essay that was
four to five pages long. When the essay was first introduced to me I found it difficult that I did
not even know where to start. Not understanding took me to the Writing Center to consult with a
tutor. After speaking with a tutor I had a clear explanation on what an analytical paper is. As I
wrote my paper I began having doubts because I was not sure my ideas and my analysis was
coherent. As a result, I felt I was unable to complete the essay correctly. Once I received my
essay back I received an eighty-six percent which is a B+. I believe this was the most successful
assignment I have completed because it was the highest grade of all the essays I have written in
this course. Having the fear of the words Analytical essay must have been the reason of my
confusion. Those big words made me feel scared and unsure of what to write. Receiving a B+
made me realize that I know what I am doing. Also realizing the mistakes early in the semester
allowed me to see what I need work in so I could improve and make my essays more college
ready for my future classes.
In the midterm reflection, I reflected that I was least successful in my Math 125 class due to
the lack of study, knowledge of subject and time-management. After realizing my mistakes I

knew I had to make a difference in order to pass the class. Before taking the midterm for Math
125, a group of two and I got together for three hours and studied the material that was going to
be presented in the test. After completing my test I received a B. I was shocked because
managing my time to meet with other classmates impacted my learning. Knowing that this was a
great solution I plan to apply this to any other subjects I need assistance with. Getting together
with classmates is a perfect way to study rather than studying yourself since you get better ideas
from them. I realized is it possible to manage your time to complete tasks that benefit you. I also
gave myself time to study throughout the weekend even though I worked which was also an
example that nothing is impossible.

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