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Carla Abarca

Professor Forsythe
College 1
9 October 2015
Reading Response Journal 5
1. Part two begins with Fredi and Allan explaining to Oscar, Lorenzo, Luis, and Cristian
about their competition that would be held at University of California Santa Barbara.
The competition consisted of them building an ROV that would measure the
submarines length, its depth, and navigate inside to recover the captains bell.
Everyone felt there was no way they were going to be able to build something like
that but out of all Oscar was the only enthusiastic one. Both Fredi and Allan felt
excitement for going to Santa Barbara and inheriting everything they saw to their
team over the years but they feared that their students would lose to other high school
students so they made the decision to make their students compete versus MIT that
way Oscar, Lorenzo, Luis, and Cristian wouldnt feel ashamed of losing. Although
that was their ideal plan Oscar disagreed because he did not want to become a failure
again, he had hope that they were going to succeed. In November 2003 the team had
their first design meeting. They went over the competition and what would be
necessary to build their robot. They were provided with money that wouldnt be
enough to cover what they will need to build their robot so they asked for donations.
Luis was able to receive one-hundred dollars from his boss. Oscar also received
money from his boss with the total of four-hundred dollars. After they received the

budget of nine-hundred dollars they began discussing how their robot would be built.
They began by breaking down the small trebuchet they built for the pumpkin-hurling
contest. They removed the propellers, sensors and controls. The team was finding a
solution to measuring the submarines length underwater but nothing came to mind
until Oscar mentioned about laser tape measuring. Fredi suggested hed find
professional help until he came across a company called Distagage in Marathon,
Florida. They realized it was too expensive but Fredi suggested theyd at least get
advice. When Oscar called he was attended by Greg De Tray, former of Distagage
and worker as an insurance adjuster. As Oscar became informed he asked if it worked
underwater which unfortunately didnt. It was about thirty percent off according to De
Tray when right after Cristian realized that the measurements were different because
the water makes it slower for the laser to calculate. De Tray heard what the team had
mentioned and was surprised they came up with an answer he wouldnt even think
about which led him to let the team borrow the laser tape. Lorenzo was fascinated so
much about the robotics club he hardly paid any attention to any of the other classes
that caused him to fail most subjects. Fredi realized how he was doing which made
him have a serious talk with him. He warned Lorenzo that if he did not improve his
grades by the end of the semester he would be kicked out of the team. Lorenzo took
action, he became more productive, did his homework and eventually his grades and
GPA improved drastically. Back to the robot, the second task the competition asked
for was to know the temperature of cold water under the pool. Oscar again tracked a
specialist in temperature measuring in Stamford, Connecticut. He spoke with Frank
Swankoski, a temperature engineer, which gave an in-depth explanation about

thermometers. He believed in the team that he decided to donate them a thermometer

because he thinks they will beat MIT because of the information he gave them. A few
weeks after November 2003, Fredi had a van filled with his six marine science
students heading west. They visited a beach in San Diego and met Donald Rodocker,
a ROV manufacturer. He showed the students the companys laboratory and showed
them their vehicle. Once they left they were filled with excitement not until they
reached Arizona again and realized there was an Immigration check. They were
surprisingly let go and nothing happened. When they returned back to the robotics
closet they were all terrified for what happened and thought about how their
competition was in California. They let that go afterwards and began discussing about
how they were going to build the ROV. They thought about using metal but they
werent able to afford it as well as glass and they also discussed about the material
polyvinyl chloride. Luis bought three-centimeter-diameter, twenty dollars worth.
They thought about adding a battery to their robot but analyzed what could have
happened if there was a shortage and so which came to the conclusion that will try
something new, something that will help the battery maintain safe, which was then
when they all decided to add the battery.
2. I like how the second part of the book began with explaining how their robotics team
adventure began. It is interesting to know how much one can do with different parts
of other items. I liked the fact how Oscar was the most enthusiastic of all. He was the
one who gave the team hope on how they will achieve their goal. I felt happy to know
how there were people who didnt even know them that were supported. As well as
the donations that were given to them. If I were to be present at the situation and were
talking to Oscar I would have definitely helped and supported that young team of

students. Their excitement to competing with higher level teams excites me and
makes me want to continue reading and see how their invention turns out to be.
3. If you were to be the teacher of a robotics team and knew that your students had no
chance in winning, would you still risk entering them in a competition? Why or why
How would feel if you were an immigrant, a member of the team heading to an
Immigration check? What would your fear be? If you were to be held what would you
have done?
4. Reading the first assigned part of section two was an easy read to me. I was able to
comprehend what was said not until I was reading really smart scientific words. I felt
confused because some words I have never heard in my life which was interesting to
know such words exist in this world. I usually read the text first before I begin writing
my RRJ but I came to realize that today as I read I composed my summary at the
same time which made it easier for me to type what I found to be important instead of
going back and forth after reading the specific pages read. It actually saved me a lot
of time as well because of that reason. Now I know what should be done in order to
complete my RRJ quicker.
5. Intuitively: using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious
reasoning; instinctive.
I chose this word because I found it to be so interesting how it also defines how one is
able to understand something without realizing. I have never heard of this word
before and I like how its a strong word that will most likely give you s higher score if
it were used in an essay.
Engulfed: (of a natural force) sweep over (something) so as to surround or cover it
I chose this word also because I felt it was a strong word since I have never
understood the meaning of it. I have heard it multiple time but never understood what

the definition was and now that I do I comprehend better and allows me to improve
and grow my vocabulary.
Polyvinyl Chloride: a tough, chemically resistant synthetic resin made by
polymerizing vinyl chloride and used for a wide variety of products including pipes,
flooring, and sheeting.
Out of all words I chose, this one blew my mind. This term has never been mentioned
in my life and it was something new to me. I found this word to be important because
its a important factor towards the robot and to know what it will do fascinates me and
how it will allow the robot to function a certain way.

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