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The HAYs codes

The Production Code which is also known as the hays code implied what
was suitable and what was unsuitable content for motion pictures
produced for a public audience in the United States. The hays code
started in 1934 and it ended in 1954.
General Principles
1. No picture shall be produced that will lower the decent standards of
those who see it. Therefore the understanding of the audience should
never be thrown to the side of crime, wrongdoing, evil or sin.
2. Correct standards of life, subject only to the requirements of drama and
entertainment, shall be presented.
3. Law, natural or human, shall not be ridiculed, nor shall sympathy be
created for its violation.
Crimes against the Law
These shall never be presented in a way as to throw understanding with
the crime as against law and justice or to motivate others with a craving
for imitation.
1. Murder
a. The technique of murder must be presented in a way that will not
encourage imitation.
b. Brutal killings are not to be presented in detail.
c. Revenge in modern times shall not be justified.
2. Methods of Crime should not be explicitly presented.
3. Illegal drug traffic must never be presented.
The sanctity of the institution of marriage and the home will be supported.
Pictures shall not assume that low forms of sex relationship are the
accepted or common thing.
I think that the audience thought that the hays code was good. I think that
they thought it was good because people children did not have to see bad
thing happen in a film, so then they could let their kids watch film without
being worried that they are going to see something that they dont want
them to. But also other people may thought it is not a good thinh. i think
that people think it is not a good thing because some people like to watch
a film that is realistic and some of these thing happen in real life.

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