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Kamara Mazvan Moohsin -bctorong Karama Tepi 4, eg Datok eramat Sc00, Kuala Lumpur Date: becember 2015, Fn tsmail Mama, Contract management Department, Labuan Shipyard & Engnwering Sd. Bh Dears, AE: TENDER OF RESIGNATION | am wrtng to you today to ffcily tender my resignation fram LABUAN SHIPYARD & ENGINEERING SOn.BHO.eeenve 1 ber 2015.t wih rune 2046 hol be my lost toyofempiymert never thought | woul ever lave such a great company as LABUAN SHIPYARD & ENGINEERING SOND, but when the opportunity ros t develop my carer further at times when the economy is atthe lowest simply had totake advantage oft "cannot say enough wonderfl things about LABUAN SHIPYARD & ENGINEERING, about athe people Fve encountered in my years of service with the company, and especially about you anal the others on the ‘contrat Team fs my hope that we wil stay in touch as tbegin this new chapter in my ie Sincerely, contrac Magsgzment Department, SE a/y feos 0m Mohd mus Hanan Cot gt

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