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The Advanced technique featured this month highlights a detail within the Omoplata technique.

this situation, I assume you know the Omoplata shoulder lock and most of the details that a
beginner/Intermediate student should already know. This is about setting the actual move up; it is
about how to improve the lock once you achieve the position.
- Aranha

Aranha Omoplata

1. At this point, you should know a few set-ups for this

technique, so we will focus on the details once we
arrive at this position. In this case, I am simply pulling
my foot in front of my opponent's face in order to
achieve the proper positioning.

2. Once my foot is in front of my opponent's face, I will

make the 'triangle' with my legs in order to gain
increased leverage downward on my opponent's
shoulder. Having my left leg in front of my opponent's
neck will also make it difficult for my opponent to
come back at me, while at the same time, set up
complimenting moves like the triangle choke or
gogplata. These combinations are detailed in Brazilian
Jiu-jitsu, The Master Text for those interested. Please
take note of a few other details: my right hand is
grabbing my opponent's belt, whi9ch helps me not only
in controlling my opponent, but also to pivot my body
(I must be facing the same direction as him) while
sitting up. I will also be sure to 'trap' my opponent's left
arm between my right side and upper (right) thigh
before sitting up.

3. I will now sit up by placing my right arm over my

opponent's back as shown here in figure three. In is
important to do this so that my opponent's does not
simply roll out of my move right away.

4. I will now reach completely over my opponent's

back to his right gi collar.

5. I am now 'feeding' my opponent's gi collar out from

its position, tucked under his belt. I will free the collar

6. Once the collar is free, I will place my right elbow in

my opponent's back gripping the collar as shown here
in figure six. I am now placing a tremendous amount of
pressure on my opponent's back. This will ensure that
he cannot move in any direction easily.

7. If my opponent's left shoulder should move off the

floor in an attempt to sit up, I will use my right leg to
force him to the floor by straightening it out as shown
here in figure seven.

8. To complete the lock, I will push away from my

opponent slightly (you can see this in figure seven),
creating a space between my opponent and I so that his
arm is at a 90degree angle; this will cause greater
pressure on the shoulder. I will force my opponent
down with my leg and elbow, while at the same time
sitting up toward his head in order to cause my
opponent to submit.

This is the third in a series of 'advanced' moves for JIU-JITSU.NET that I am releasing as 'never
before published'. Once again; I can't promise you haven't seen this anywhere before, but I haven't.
This move is slightly risky, so you must pay close attention to the control I use with the gi collar to
prevent my opponent from countering by taking my back as I do this move.
- Aranha

Taking the back from the Half Guard

1. In this situation, I am inside my partner's half

guard. His legs are trapping my right leg.

2. & 3. To begin this particular move, I will 'open' my

partner's left gi collar and feed it under his armpit,
beneath his neck and to my left hand as shown.

4. Now that I have the control of my opponent's

collar, I may make a little space to complete this step.
Normally, I would never place both of my hands on
the same side of my opponent's body, but since I have
this particular control over his collar, I will place my
right hand on the floor at the right side of my
partner's waist as shown.

5, 6, & 7. These frames show how to roll over your

right shoulder in order to flip my opponent over so
that I may take his back. This movement must be
done quickly, using the coordination of your entire
body. Beginners will find this difficult until their
ability to roll, coordination, and balance are improved
through regular training. Notice how I am still
controlling my opponent's collar with my left hand.

8. Once I roll through, My opponent will be in my

half guard with no control of my collar and both
hands on one side of my body. This is a
disadvantageous position for him that leaves his back
exposed. To capitalize, I must sit up quickly and
allow no space between my partner and I.

9. Reaching over my opponent's body and securing

the collar with my left hand, I place my right hand on
the floor in order to climb onto my opponent's back.

10. I complete this movement by placing my left

hook in over his body one under his leg.

Once again, I can't guarantee that you have not seen this move anywhere before. I can say, that
chances are, you haven't. I have never seen this move published anywhere before and am proud to be
the first to do it!
This technique was first published in my third book: Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, The Master Text (link) and
was shown to me by my old teacher. I was specifically told not to put this move in any book, but I
guess that's one of the reasons he's my "old" teacher, isn't it? Since then, I've added some details and
set ups that I've chosen to share with you here.
- Aranha

Aranha's Shin Choke

1. In this situation, I am in the side control (top) position. To begin
my attack, I will 'open' my opponent's gi collar, pushing it to the
floor on the opposite side of his body. I have made some additional
space (more space than if I were performing the choke in a 'real'
situation) so that you can see the details of the movement.

2. I transfer my opponent's left collar to my left hand, which is

under my opponent's neck. At this point, you must be sure to
maintain control of your opponent so he does not escape to his
knees or regain his guard by replacing his right leg under your

3. To ensure that my opponent does not escape as I continue this

movement, I will grab his pants (at his right leg) as shown here.
Note how I continue to control my opponent's collar under his

4. While continuing to control my opponent's collar and leg, I

place my left foot at the left side of my opponent's head as shown.

5. To finish the choke, I will twist my body to the right, sliding my

shin under my opponent's chin. I will drive my left knee to the
floor as I lift up with my left hand - still controlling my opponent's
right leg with my right hand.

6. At his point, my opponent may try to remove my leg from his

face as shown

7. I place my left arm under my opponent's right arm as show, with

my left hand cupping my opponent's tricep. It is important to 'lift'
his arm up to your body.

8. I squat down as shown, almost sitting on my opponent's face. I

am still holding his right leg for control. I grab my own gi collar
with my left hand in order to secure my opponent's arm and set up
the straight armlock.

9. To finish, I sit down, keeping my left leg over my opponent's

face and my opponent's elbow between my legs by my stomach.
My knees are squeezed together around my opponent's arm to keep
pressure off my groin and 'vice' the arm. I keep his thumb pointed
up by squeezing his wrist with my left bicep and twisting my body
to the right or left - depending on what way he resists. I continue to
hold the leg so my opponent does not roll away and escape. To
finish, I simply left my hips up as I perform all the previously
described elements. This armlock is called Juji-gatame in Japanese
and Chave de Braco in Brazilian Portuguese.
Aranha gives the Americana a new `twist'!
People are constantly coming up with new ways to sequence and apply Jiu-jitsu techniques. I'm sure
when you read the words, "New Move", you think the same thing I do: you get excited at first, but
then realize that it's probably a marketing ploy or some old move from a Judo book that no one has
used in years. I'm not claiming to have invented anything here, but what I have done is published this
particular move first, as I have never seen it on any Jiu-jitsu website, video, or in any book about this
age-old martial art. I often come up with things, or `discover' them while training. My excitement
usually wears off after I see someone else doing the move that I thought I had invented. This happens
to a lot of us.
Anyway, I can't guarantee that you have not seen this move anywhere before. I can say that chances
are, you haven't and that I have never seen this move published anywhere before and am proud to be
the first to do it!
This is a variation of the "Americana" that I have sequenced from the Kimura lock while in a top
control position on your opponent.
- Aranha

Americana do Aranha

1. In this situation, I am in top control on my opponent,

attempting the "Kimura Lock". My opponent resists the lock by
clasping his hands together so that it is difficult for me to lift his
hand away from his body and twist his arm to my left.

2. To begin my counter to this defense, I release my right hand

from his wrist, while controlling his (left) arm with my left arm
At this point, I use my chest to press his arm down for extra

3. Next I slide my right hand under my opponent's left arm. To

facilitate this movement, I must make a small amount of space.
In order to compensate for that space and assist in sliding my
arm under his, I will push the lower part of my opponent's left
tricep to my right.

4. This step is one of the most important in the sequence of

movements, as it will determine the future effectiveness of the
shoulder lock I am about to perform. I must push my opponent's
arm until the back of his left arm is at the center of my chest. I
must also slide my right arm to my left until the back of my
hand meets my opponent's tricep. It is very important that my
opponent's arm is pushed all the way through so it is almost at
the right side of my chest.

5 & 6. Once step 4 is complete, I spread my legs back and press

my chest against the back of my opponent's arm.

7. I begin the transition of position by placing my left elbow on

the floor at the right side of my opponent's body. Not that my
weight is still on my opponent and that I am not making any
space for him to escape throughout the course of the movement.

8 & 9. I will then switch my left leg under my right, moving to a

modified kesa gatame position, securing his right shoulder under
the armpit with my left arm. I keep my right elbow as close to
my body as I can throughout the transition, trapping his wrist
(lower arm) under my armpit and keeping his arm bent.

10. To complete the shoulder lock, I will move my right elbow

as close as I can to my right side. Notice the position of my legs
and proximity of my upper body to my opponent's chest for
maximum control.

Gi Technique

1. As my opponent grabs around the back of my leg, I move to

the side of him, facing the same direction. I push down on his
head to stop his forward momentum.

2. I grab the hand that was hooking my leg with my right arm as I
continue to push his face.

3. I then roll over my left shoulder, keeping my left leg close to

his body. As I roll through I continue to control the hand and pull
myself up, using his belt.

4. I bring my left knee to the floor and turn my left leg in as

shown. My right leg right leg posts out to help me balance and
lean forward toward his left shoulder. My left arm should stay
over his back to stop him from rolling forward to take pressure
off his shoulder. Leaning forward and keeping his back down
will create pressure on his right shoulder and complete the lock.

Submission Grappling
I was really happy to have my friend Rob around to help me
demonstrate this technique. Rob was around 240 pounds at the
time of this photo shoot and I was about 185 pounds. The reason
Im happy about the weight difference is this: it gives me the
opportunity to demonstrate how this move does not involve as
much strength as you think.
1. I find myself in the choke, I then look up, looking up takes a
lot of pressure off the front of my neck.

2. I then place my left hand over his back and my right arm
under his leg. It is important to note my base and posture. I am
pretty straight and looking up, my knees are bent and my base is
wide. The fact that his arm is over my back puts weight over my
shoulders and makes him easier to lift.

3. The lift is only temporary, I turn and lift simultaneously, I had

to hold it for longer in the picture than you will in real life.

4. I land in a solid side control position.

Vale Tudo
1. Notice how I control his right arm with my legs so he can not
escape easily or strike from the bottom. While his arm is
trapped, he cannot defend punches to the face with that hand,
this can be devastating and actually end the fight by itself, but I
will count on him being skilled and strong.

2. He uses his left hand to defend, this gives me the opening I

was looking for and I take it.

3. I press his left wrist to the floor with my left hand, keeping
my right arm under his left.

4. I switch my base and go for the shoulder lock.

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