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Daily Routine Unit 2 New Interchange 1

How do you spend your day?

Routine Verbs

Look up in the dictionary the meaning of these routine verbs

Wake up:
Get up:
Get dressed:
Take a shower:
Have breakfast:
Brush my teeth:
Leave my house:
Go to classes:
Take the bus:
Get home:
Have lunch:
Take a nap:
Go shopping:
Go out with my friends/family:
Surf on the internet:
Listen to music:
Watch TV:
Make phone calls:
Do the dishes:
Make my bed:
Read a book:
Have dinner:
Do my homework:
Have a good time:
Take the day off:
Make photocopies:
Go to bed:

Time Expressions
I get up
I go to bed
I leave work
I get home
I stay up
I wake up

at 7.00
in the morning
around ten in the evening
in the afternoon
at night
until midnighton Saturdays
before/after on Sundays.

on weekends
on weeknights
on weekends
on Fridays

Los das de la semana se expresan con la
preposicin ON.
El martes = On Tuesday
Para decir una hora especfica, se debe
utilizar la preposicin AT
A las 5.00 = At 5.00

Expressing clock time

Seven oclock
7.00 a.m. = seven in the morning
7.00 p.m. = seven in the evening

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