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Classroom Teacher Name: _________________________________________________

What is your personal definition of bullying? ___________________________________

Do you believe that bullying is a problem at Grand Haven High School?

Yes or No

Do you believe that cyber bullying is a problem at Grand Haven High School? Yes or No
Have you ever been a victim of bullying? If so, when was the last time you were bullied?
Have you ever seen a bullying incident? If so, please explain: ______________________
Is there an adult at this school that you would feel comfortable confiding in if you were a
victim of bullying?
What do you picture when you hear the phrase students with disabilities? ___________
What is your experience with students with disabilities? (i.e. are you involved with links?
Do you see them around school? Do you have no experience?)_____________________
How often do you use the word retarded to describe something per day? ____________
Do you know someone who makes fun of students with disabilities? ________________
If so, what do they say? ____________________________________________________
Do you think that students with disabilities are included in school activities, such as
lunch, classes, or larger activities such as homecoming?
Do you think that bullying of students with disabilities is a problem at Grand Haven High
Any other comments about these topics: ______________________________________

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